Sustainable Food Systems

Sustainable Food Systems

Sustainable Food Systems icon

CEEweb is addressing citizens and decision-makers to be better aware of citizen science’s potential contribution to biodiversity conservation and sustainable food systems. By advocating for sustainable farming practices, nature-based solutions, and policies to protect and restore resilient, biodiverse rural and urban ecosystems, we are working towards a healthy climate, carbon-rich soils, and a fair, sustainable, and crisis-resistant food system to ensure the human right to food.


  • Future agri-environmental policies build on agroecological principles and practices to reach a more systemic, integrated approach to sustainable food systems.
  • Youth perspective becomes better integrated into EU and CEE national food system-related policies.
  • EU and CEE policy- and decision-makers attain increased knowledge and awareness of the role that youth and agroecology might play in future food systems.
  • Resilient agroecological systems and stakeholders acquire increased knowledge and awareness of the importance and main features of sustainable food systems.
  • Sustainable agriculture becomes an essential part to climate action in Europe and CEE countries.
  • Healthy soils and soil biodiversity become considered essential for food security.


  • Contributing to ambitious and holistic CEE policies and approaches for developing sustainable food systems and food supply chains.
  • Providing recommendations for national policy approaches to sustainable food systems in Hungary.
  • Raising awareness among the general public about the importance of farmland and soil biodiversity to food security/sustainable food production, promoting the transition to more sustainable farming and soil management practices.
  • Mapping and advocating citizen science initiatives for biodiversity conservation and sustainable food systems in CEE.
  • Exploring the opportunities for youth empowerment and the integration of agroecological principles and practices into European and CEE national food system-related policies.


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CEEweb for Biodiversity is a network of organisations from Central and Eastern Europe striving to conserve the natural heritage of the region.