
Water icon

Water is a precondition for human, animal and plant life, as well as an indispensable resource for the economy. At CEEweb, we believe that the protection of fresh- and saltwater ecosystems and of the water we drink is one of the cornerstones of environmental protection in Europe, where water is under increasing pressure from economic activities, population growth and urbanisation. We know that the stakes are high, the issues transcend national boundaries, and concerted action at the level of the EU is necessary to ensure effective protection.


  • Water protection is integrated into the policies of other sectors.
  • River Basin Management Plans that manage Europe’s river basins in a sustainable way and that protect and restore rivers, lakes and groundwaters. 
  • Healthy groundwater ecosystems are considered essential for food security and resilience.
  • EU and national decision-makers, sectoral representatives, and the general public are more aware of the implementation needs of the Water Framework Directive, as well as the essential role and benefits of water protection, free-flowing rivers, and integrated water management.
  • Greater political commitment and increased financial support are provided for the development and effective implementation of appropriate River Basin Management Plans.


  • Prioritisation of river restoration: CEEweb actively engages in developing comments and common position papers on the EC’s draft guidance, and in pushing for the free-flowing river target in the Nature Restoration Law.
  • Advocacy work related to the River Basin Management Plans: Member States need to finalise their river basin management plans in 2021 for the next six years, as required by EU law. CEEweb is continuously advocating for a better allocation of the national budget to water management and the proper integration of water protection into other policies.
  • Water Framework Directive: calling for the improved implementation of the WFD based on a common position with other NGOs, and social media campaigns about the importance and benefits of the Directive.
  • Review of surface and groundwater pollutants: CEEweb is advocating for national governments to increase their investment in water management and nature restoration (e.g. smart investments in water infrastructures, river and wetlands restoration, water decontamination), and to promote the better integration of the water objectives in other existing EU policies.


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CEEweb for Biodiversity is a network of organisations from Central and Eastern Europe striving to conserve the natural heritage of the region.