The urbanLIFEcircles project is a bold and innovative initiative that aims to restore biodiversity in urban areas. Led by Tartu, a consortium of lighthouse cities, including Riga and Aarhus, will work together to create 'urban LIFE circles,' continuous stretches of restored valuable habitats and green urban areas that support biodiversity. By connecting existing green spaces and introducing new green corridors and high-nature value connectivity 'steppingstones,' the project seeks to establish a continuous and interconnected wildlife habitat in each city that starts from peri-urban nature reserves and reaches throughout the city. With the active participation of urban citizens, the project aims to demonstrate that system change for biodiversity is possible in cities. The project is significant because it addresses the urgent need to halt the alarming rate of biodiversity loss. With the loss of biodiversity, nature's ability to provide ecosystem services will decline, affecting the 3 largest economic sectors, including construction, agriculture, and the food industry. The urbanLIFEcircles project will improve the condition of biodiversity in participating cities by restoring valuable habitats and creating green corridors that connect urban areas with nature reserves and Natura 2000 sites. By engaging communities, supporting businesses, and establishing synergies for biodiversity-oriented governance, the project seeks to demonstrate that system change is possible, paving the way for a more sustainable future for urban areas.
Financial data
Total Eligible Budget: 10,273,122 €
EU Contribution: 6,163,872 €
Contribution Percentage – 60%
• Prioritize the restoration and conservation of valuable habitats and the creation of green corridors and connectivity stepping stones to establish interconnected wildlife habitats in urban areas.
• Foster partnerships between local governments, NGOs, and businesses to ensure the sustainability of biodiversity interventions beyond the project timeline.
• Engage underrepresented and marginalized communities in biodiversity projects to ensure that benefits are inclusive and equitable.
• Establish clear metrics for success to track progress towards objectives and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.
• Take a systematic approach to urban biodiversity management by integrating habitat restoration, citizen engagement, and governance-level support.
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