The project resulted in the decrease of the annual primary energy consumption in public lighting in Alba Iulia Municipality -Cetate district from 378.052,00 (kWh/year) - value before the implementation of the project, to 222.721,80 (kWh/year), starting with 2022 by creating the new public lighting system in the area targeted by the project with a network length of 35.050 ml. The project resulted also in the decrease of greenhouse gases emissions due to the modernization of the public lighting system in the Municipality of Alba Iulia - Cetate district from 84,07 equiv. tons of CO2/year - value before implementation, project, to 49.53 equiv. tons of CO2/year starting in 2022. The project included also the use of recyclable, environmentally friendly materials and alternative energy production systems, electricity from renewable energy sources. An additional benefit of the project was the improving access for people with disabilities (visually impaired people, people with disabilities motordisabilities, etc.) to the public lighting service.
Financial data
21.509.007,27 RON (aprox. 4.620.604 EURO), 98% EU Funds from ROP
We can recommend promoting the funding of projects that combine greenhouse gas emission reductions with an improved quality of life. Street lighting is a major problem in Romania, and in marginal neighbourhoods and rural areas in many cases it is a deficiency. It is recommended that the model of the Alba Iulia - Cetate district should be used when installing new street lighting.
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