Emissions from heating plants are a major source of air pollution during the cold season. Measures to reduce them have a positive impact on energy efficiency as well as an environmental dimension. With European funding, the City of Oradea has rehabilitated more than 40 kilometres of its heating network, thus contributing to the city's energy efficiency through the development of the centralised transport and distribution system of thermal energy in the municipality. On completion of the project, heat losses in Oradea's transmission and distribution network were reduced by 26.7%. This ensured an increase in energy efficiency throughout the system. Other benefits of the project include: Improved technical parameters of thermal energy transmission and reduced overall maintenance and repair costs; Improved safety and quality of heat and hot water supplied to domestic and non-domestic consumers; Reduction of CO2 and other pollutant emissions (NOx, SO2, particulates) as a result of the reduction in the amount of fuel used (effect of reduced heat losses). The whole investment contributes to reducing the negative impact of pollutant emissions, improving air quality and comfort of the population.
Financial data
97.592.609,65 RON (aprox 21.215.784 EURO), Large Infrastructure Operational Programme, 85% from EU
The centralised heating systems were destroyed in many cities in Romania and were changed to individual heating systems. The centralised heating systems are more efficient and result less emissions of greenhouse gases. Our recommendation to the municipalities of Romania is to follow the example of the municipality of Oradea and try to reintroduce the centralised heating systems where it is possible.
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