23 new passenger electric trains (ET) will be purchased within the project "Purchase of electric trains necessary for the transportation of passengers in Riga and Pieriga" (Project). An additional 9 ETs are planned to be purchased, which will be fully financed from the state budget and which are not included in the project. The implementation of the project will ensure that the morally and technically outdated electric train fleet at Pasažieru Vilciens' disposal will be renewed. The implementation of the joint project meets both EU and national goals. The implementation of the project will promote the efficiency of passenger transportation, the use of environmentally friendly technologies, and will also improve passenger mobility in Riga and Pieriga.
Financial data
Total investment: 161 209 300.00 €. EU investment: 114 211 073.00 € (70,8%).
This project and the procurement involved in it should have happened several years ago, because the previous lineup is so outdated that you can't buy spare parts for it. It would be desirable not only to replace the composition, but also to create new lines of environmentally friendly technologies and to replace the existing compositions using fossil energy.
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