Despite the fact that Slovenia is a biodiversity hotspot, there are only few EU projects that fund nature conservation and restoration in Slovenia. The purpose of the "Za Kras" project was to improve the condition of three Natura 2000 habitat types and 21 species in the entire Natura 2000 Karst (Slovenian "Kras") area in the west of Slovenia. The Classical Karst in Slovenia is the name giver of karst topography and various karst phenomena around the world. The main goals of the project "Za Kras" were to improve the state of conservation of selected species and habitats, for example by establishing quiet zones and areas of stricter protection, by insulating medium-voltage transmission lines, by improving municipal waste water treatment, by cleaning and closing of underground caves, by taking care of the safe passage of amphibians crossing the road during migrations, and by restoring and maintaining sinkholes. Moreover, the project provided a modern interpretation, education and awareness raising among the general public about the importance of preserving selected species and habitats in the Nature 2000 Karst area.
Financial data
EUR 3.189.527,95 (80% EU, 20% Ministry for the environment)
Only few nature conservation projects get EU funding. In a drastically changing evironment, it is important to not only maintain existing biodiversity hotspots, but also actively restore nature and reduce the human pressures on habitats and species. The project "Za Kras" combined well nature conservation and restoration measures with communication and outreach activities.
Information sources
Recipient's websiteOther info