Project „Adaptation to climate change through sustainable management of water of the urban area in Radom City” (LIFERADOMKLIMA-PL) aimed in increasing climate resilience of the city of Radom by: 1) building demonstrative blue-green infrastructure e (BGI) for managing extreme rainwater flows and control flood risks (outside and within the city); 2) enhancing biodiversity by restoration and creation terrestrial and water microhabitats; 3) mainstreaming climate adaptation into city planning and supporting informed decisionmaking; 4) rising of awareness and building capacity on climate adaptation; 5) support exchange of knowledge and know-how. The Project was implemented in the partnership of Gmina Miasta Radomia, as the project leader with 3 co-beneficiaries: Wodociagi Miejskie w Radomiu Sp. z o. o., Uniwersytet Łódzki and a SME - FPP Enviro Sp. z o. o. The key outputs of the project included: 1) activating local stakeholders to work together in integrated climate actions; 2) climate change vulnerability assessment for Radom; 3) demonstrative large-scale BGI: • increased retention and purification capacity of 2 existing water ecosystems (Borki reservoir and sedimentation ponds); • 3 new large-scale areas to 8 mitigate the hydrometeorological risks (SSBS above the Borki reservoir, the Potok Północny and the Cerekwianka polders); • rehabilitation of urban river section (the Mleczna River); • 34 small-scale BGIs in the densely-developed city area (climaponds, climaboxes, green roofs on bus stops and bike shelters, swales, tree-trenches, permeable surface); 4) education and information materials and improved awareness and dissemination of the climate change effects around the local communities; 5) improved biodiversity.
Financial data
Total budget: EUR 5,838 099, EU contribution: EUR 2,933,976
At the end of the project, Scientific Advisory Committee of the Ecohydrology Program of the UNESCO’s IHP (International Hydrological Program), composed of internationally well- known scientists from all over the world invited LIFE-RADOMKLIMA-PL project and the City of Radom to become a member of the Global Network of Ecohydrology Demonstration Sites of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Program. Some difficulties could not be avoided during the implementation of this project - for example two green roof bus stops (Jagielloński Square) created as part of the „LIFERADOMKLIMA-PL” was criticized in the local media. The problem was maintaining greenery at bus shelters.
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