Slovenia is an Alpine country where mountaineering and outdoor recreation are of high importance. These activities are enabled by a network of mountain huts, shelters, bivouacs and mountain training centers. These non for profit facilities are especially suitable for renewable energy and energy efficiency measures as they are often off-grid, placed in rough climates and as they have the potential to serve as inspiration and role model for visitors in the rapidly changing climate of the Alps. Slovenia used funds from the 2014-2020 MFF to run an energy efficiency and renewable energy program for mountain facilities. Eligible costs under this program, include costs of equipment and construction, but also costs for information and communication about energetic refurbishment and renwable energy measures in mountain facilities. More than 25 mountain facilities throughout the whole country successfully applied for funding under the program.
Financial data
MFF 2014-202 EUR 5 million (80% of eligible costs, of which in Western Slovenia 70% EU and 10% national funds, and in Eastern Slovenia 75% EU and 5% national funds)
Use EU funds to co-finance highly visible deacrbonisation projects in areas that trigger positive associations of the visitors/ users/ viewers in order to spread the popularity of decarbonisation solutions.
Information sources
Public tenderOther info (Slovenian)