The project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the national Regional Operational Program (POR 2014–2020), SMIS code: 115913. The undertaken actions were the thermic isolation of the building, installation of a new heating system with 2 new central heating units and a water heating unit, renewal of the electrical grid, changing the lights and the installation of a fire detection alarm. All this resulted in a drop of annual non-renewable energy use of 87% and a drop of 67% of GHG emissions. At the finish of the renewal of the building, the high school became Satu Mare county's most modern school. At present it has 490 students.
Financial data
Total: 680,000 EUR, from which ERDF contribution 415,000 EUR (60%)
Through the EU funds, the investment of the city for a more energy efficient building resulted in a lower heating cost for the public institution – costs that ultimately are saved from the local budget. This has a special connotation in the present, as in a coincidence the renewal of the building was finished in a time when national and european energy prices are skyrocketing. The raised energy efficiency means lower heating cost in winter and lower cooling cost in summer. Besides this school, all the educational institutions from the city are in a similar renewal process, planned to be finished by the end of 2022. This will mean a large money saving in the local budget for heating costs. Also investing in energy efficiency of public buildings, more specifically schools, gives a great dissemination opportunity for awareness raising of the benefits of energy efficiency. Schools are highly visible public spaces and can be a good example as a best practice to implement in private homes.
Information sources
Negresti Oas city websiteOther info