The main objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness of the border region by complex development of natural heritage areas, nature preservation and way of environmental interpretation. The project focuses on Natura 2000 areas - Senné ponds, Bodrogzug and Bodrog Floodplain and Bodrogzug-Kopasz-hegy-Taktaköz. We plan to develop and restore tourism infrastructure in the affected locations, namely visitor centers and nature paths in Senné, Bodrogkeresztúr, Sárospatak, and a bird-watching tower in Tarcal. To improve the tourism services, we plan to build a campsite and introduce bike rental system in Senné. We plan to increase awareness about the area by joint communication activities. Among others, we will develop a bird-watching guide presenting several important bird locations of the program area, an educational film and a 3D tour. Project outputs and affected areas will also be promoted at the international event - BirdFair – organized in the UK. As a result of the project, we expect the increase of visitor numbers in the region, thanks to the developed and restored infrastructure and introduction of the new tourism services. It is presumed, that the project implementation will lead to the increased awareness of the natural heritage in the affected area and increased public interest in the protection of natural values and biodiversity.
Financial data
Total Project budget: 962,606.43 € Total ERDF awarded: 818,215.45 €
Support projects focused at increasing the attractiveness of the border regions through the protection of natural heritage areas, through the construction of tourist infrastructure (tourist centers, bike rental, observations).
Information sources
INTERREG Slovakia - HungaryOther info