The overarching goal of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project – building on the experience and results of the LIFE-MICACC project, which ended in November 2021 and which is also part of this best practice database– is to improve climate adaptation and coordination capacity of local municipalities, and to support the efficient use of EU funding for related topics. It will be achieved by mitigating the negative water-balance situation through the demonstration of integrated ecosystem-based water management solutions applied at the catchment level. An additional goal of the project is to encourage the dissemination of several domestic and foreign, local and water catchment level Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRMs) good practice by sharing the results, in the coordination of local municipalities. In the framework of the project, complex natural water retention measures (NWRMs) are tested in a demonstration manner on two water catchment areas, which were selected on the basis of vulnerability and the nature of the given water-related challenge. The implemented solutions of the project will be good practices for other Hungarian catchment areas and neighbouring regions, where the problems are similar.
Financial data
Total budget: 3 764 915 € EU contribution: 2 070 703 € (55% of the total budget) National own resources (co-financed by the Hungarian State): 1 694 212 €
The project is exemplary in the sense that it aims to involve multiple stakeholder groups in the project implementation and wishes to gain municipal and public support, and increased awareness on relevant issues, such as integrated water management and its role in climate adaptation. Although it is among the objectives of the project to improve municipal decision-support systems and even to increase their capacity to access national and EU funds, the project itself, obviously, cannot provide any guarantees that such funds will be eventually granted to Hungarian municipalities. Therefore, the actual realisation of NWRM-based developments by Hungarian municipalities will be the question of their successful efforts in applying for and adequately spending funds for measurable climate adaptation results and long-term social-environmental benefits.
Information sources info
Coordinating Beneficiary of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project Address: Ministry of Interior, Coordination Office for Municipalities H-1094 Budapest, Balázs Béla Street 35/A P.O. Box: 1093 Budapest, Pf. 314. Phone: (+36) 1 / 441-1539 Fax: (+36) 1/ 999-4385 E-mail: