Towards a climate neutral EU:
efficient allocation of EU funds

Best practice database

This database intends to be a collection of best practices and avoidable mistakes related to EU funding. Any interested citizen or organisation can submit here best practices or examples with lessons learnt after a simple registration. The input will be made public only after an approval and editing by the relevant partner organisation. Only interesting, educational and valid submissions will be accepted, any only those which meet the aim of presenting a positive message. Bad practices can also be submitted but in this case, the submitter must elaborate on lessons learnt and describe how similar mistakes can be avoided in the future. Any measure can be submitted that has an effect on EU funding, including policies, legislations as well as programmes and projects.

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Currently there are 280 best practices in our database:

The Accessibility Plus for Health Programme

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Health care

The Accessibility Plus for Health Programme implemented by the Ministry of Health is part of the government's Accessibility Plus Programme, which comprehensively covers the area of accessibility in Poland. The aim of the Accessibility Plus for Health project is to adapt hospitals and primary (health) care facilities to the requirements of...

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Polish e-Van

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: R&D

The project "e-Van - universal delivery vehicle with electric drive cat. N1" is one of the NCRD's (National Research and Development Center) activities carried out in the formula of Pre-commercial Procurement (PCP) within the framework of the Operational Program Intelligent Development financed by European Funds. The aim of the...

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NeuroSmog: Determining the impact of air pollution on the developing brain

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Air quality

The project was implemented by the Institute of Psychology and Applied Psychology of the Jagiellonian University and the Institute of Environmental Protection-National Research Institute (IOŚ-PIB) in Warsaw. The NeuroSmog project aims to establish a relation between exposure to air pollution, behavioral disorders, and changes in the brain in...

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The never been Halászka Community Reservoir

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The municipality of Mórahalom has received almost €700 million in EU funding for projects which, according to local witnesses, have not been implemented according to the approved project plan. One of the projects, back in 2015, was to build a reservoir as part of a cross-border Hungarian-Romanian irrigation tender. However, the...

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Municipal and regional sustainable urban mobility plans as prerequisite for national subsidies

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

Sustainable mobility planning at regional and local level constitutes an integrated approach to transport planning and is well established in Slovenia. Sustainable urban mobility plans are strategic documents which outline municipalities´ objectives in the field of sustainable mobility and include lists of necessary actions which help...

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Research center for zero emission technologies in the coal transition region Zasavje

Country: Slovenia Area: Regional Thematic area: R&D

In collaboration with the Slovenian Chemical Institute the Regional Development Agency of the just transition region Zasavje made a plan for a Center for Development, Demonstrations and Training for Carbon Free Technologies. The center will be established in an existing building, which furtherunderlines its positive environmental impact. It will...

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An app to fight animal homelessness

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Administration is a newly developed application whose main task is to increase the chance of finding lost animals. This tool was created as part of the project "Development and implementation of an application supporting e-administration in the fight against animal homelessness" implemented thanks to EU funds. The main goal of the designed...

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Passive pavilion in Malý Újezd Primary School

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The project concerns the construction of a new primary school pavilion, which was built in a purely passive energy standard. The school uses a heat pump for heating and hot water. There is also thermal insulation of the external walls, roof and floor, triple glazing in windows and doors, active external blinds, controlled ventilation with two...

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Biocentre on the Rostěnický Brook

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The project enabled the revitalisation of a 320 m long stream bed. Several pools have also been created to provide sufficient water depth for aquatic animals even in times of drought. The overall aim of the biocentre is to improve water management in the landscape and provide habitat for amphibians and waterbirds.

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Reconstruction of the Prague 14 Town Hall

Country: Croatia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The renovation involved the original Town Hall, which houses the Authority in prefabricated buildings from the late 1970s that were not adapted to climate change and did not meet today's requirements for low energy consumption and the use of renewable energy sources. Therefore, the Town Hall decided to convert the headquarters into a highly...

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Revitalisation of the Bartošovický brook

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The project concerns the revitalisation of a modified riverbed. The water management measure supports natural channel forming processes, reduces siltation of the channel further downstream, restores the natural functions of the watercourse and floodplain, optimises the hydrological situation in the catchment area and, last but not least,...

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Revitalization of school in Prague 9

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The main goal of the project was to convert the original building into a smart, safe and sustainable building. From a climate perspective, it was able to adapt to long-term drought and heavy rainfall thanks to green roofs, a large amount of green space, and a storage and retention tank that help retain rainwater on the site. Passive building and...

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Revitalisation of the Sedmihorské wetlands

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The project removed the dense network of drainage channels, built a system of 14 pools and restored the area's ability to retain water. After the revitalisation, the groundwater in the Libuňka river floodplain rose to its natural height, the retention capacity of the area increased by more than 26 500 m³ and the site was colonised by...

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Restoring the biodiversity of the flowery meadows of the Podblanicko region

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village)

The project was divided into several phases, as the restoration of the biodiversity of the meadows began in 1998. By 2020, 200 kilometres of avenues had been planted. This required the planting of 30,000 trees: 189 were fruit trees and 124 were other deciduous trees. This particular implementation concerns the mowing and grazing of wetlands and...

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Revitalisation of the Rakovský brook including the Štáhlavská flood park in Rokycany

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The landscaped revitalization of the approximately half-kilometre stretch of the Rakovský Brook was aimed primarily at preventing flood flows in a natural way, but also at building a new park for Rokycans where the surrounding residents could take refuge on hot summer days. Rokycany's emphasis was on the care of the stone crayfish, to...

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Bird Park Josefovské luky

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The main objective is to retain water in the floodplain of the Metuje River and thus create a permanent and high-quality wetland that will provide a refuge for endangered species of not only wetland birds but also other animals. The project contributes to the long-term maintenance of water in the landscape, cooling the local climate and providing...

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Community Centre Všichni spolu

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

Community Centre uses several technical solutions to respond to climate change. Flat roofs have been taken over by plants. These protect the building from overheating in the summer, while in the winter they serve as insulation against the cold. The gradual evaporation of water on hot days helps to cool the surrounding air. Outdoor sports fields...

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Improving Urban Transport in the Town of Dupnitsa

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The project ‘Integrated urban transport of the town of Dupnitsa’ aimed at improving the system for public transport in the town of Dupnitsa, by implelemting several activities: 1) Improving the links between the integrated public transport and intercity railway transport with a view to the realization of intermodal transport...

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Integrated Urban Transport of Blagoevgrad

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Project "Integrated urban transport of Blagoevgrad" is prepared on the basis of an integrated territorial approach, aimed at the continuous improvement of the vital, environmental and economic conditions in Blagoevgrad and the municipality as a whole, by presenting measures and implementing activities related to the improvement of the...

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Environmentally Friendly Transport for Varna

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The implementation of the project proposal will contribute to the improvement of the ambient air quality in Varna Municipality by reducing the excess levels of fine particulates and nitrogen oxides to achieve the established norms in the ambient air by taking measures to replace the old public urban transport vehicles with modern, eco-friendly...

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Addressing Transport as A Source of Air Pollution

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The project "Improvement of ambient air quality through the establishment of environmentally friendly public electric transport in Pernik" includes the purchase of 5 electric buses with charging stations among other things. Through the implementation of the project, emissions of PM10 and NOx from public transport will be reduced by 0.08...

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Installation For Composting Green and/or Biodegradable Waste in Lom

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Waste management

The overall objective of the project ‘Design and construction of installation for composting green and/or biodegradable waste in the town of Lom’ is to reduce the amount of biodegradable landfilled waste generated on the territory of the municipality of Lom through the separate collection and utilization of green and/or biodegradable...

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Support for the implementation of events in the Communication Plan for Structural Instruments 2014-2020

Country: Romania Area: National Thematic area: Communication

Overall objective of the project is to disseminate, in a direct way, up-to-date information on funding opportunities and strategies pursued, on the state of implementation of the operational programmes, financed in the period 2014-2020, about the impact of European funds on Romania's development and, if relevant, examples of projects,...

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Integrated Urban Transport - Sliven

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The main objective of the project is the replacement of all public transportation vehicles by purchasing 27 diesel buses. An integrated ticketing system was installed for the convenience of riders and bus drivers. The validity of these tickets and passes is to be verified by devices, installed in each bus. In order to provide accurate information...

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Construction of Retail Park Yambol

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Commerce

The project envisages the construction of a business shopping center on abandoned urban terrain, a former industrial area, as well as the construction of a bridge facility, which will have direct effects on improving the urban environment, as well as increasing employment in the city. By building the necessary infrastructure, parking spaces,...

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Construction of a Public Charging Infrastructure in an Urban Environment – Southern Bulgaria

Country: Bulgaria Area: Regional Thematic area: Transport

The implementation of the project aims at contributing to the popularization of electric vehicles as clean, ecological and economical transport, thus creating good practices and motivating other cities in the country to start building networks of ecologically clean transport. The project envisages the purchase and installation of 300 charging...

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Construction of a Public Charging Infrastructure in an Urban Environment in Sofia

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The implementation of the project contributes to the popularization of electric vehicles as clean, ecological and economical transport, thus creating good practices and motivating other cities in the country to start building networks of ecologically clean transport. The project seeks to affect the improvement and development of integrated urban...

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Construction and Development of Retail Park Sliven

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Commerce

The project envisages the construction of a commercial complex with 12 separate premises for retail outlets, green areas, a children's playground, recreation areas with a restaurant and cafe and a large parking lot. In addition, the project envisages additional interventions to improve the urban environment - construction of a free public...

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Integrated urban transport of the city of Veliko Turnovo

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

With the present project proposal Veliko Tarnovo Municipality undertakes specific measures for improving the transport infrastructure, traffic management, the accessibility of the urban transport service, the city's functionality by reducing congestion in the central city areas, improving mobility, and last but not least limiting the negative...

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Improving the quality of the atmospheric air in the municipality of Gorna Oryahovitsa by replacing solid fuel heating devices with alternative forms of heating

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Air quality

The implementation of the project proposal will contribute to the improvement of the air quality in the municipality of Gorna Oryahovitsa, by reducing the excessive levels of fine dust particles (PM10) from domestic heating, as one of the main sources of air pollution. The specific goal of the project is to replace the heating appliances with...

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Development of sustainable public transport of Gabrovo

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The project implementation contributeс to the development of sustainable urban transport in the town of Gabrovo by improving investments of the transport infrastructure and systems with positive impact on the quality of passengers’ service. The project applies an integrated territorial approach, involving a system of joined actions, aimed...

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Construction of a Composting Installation for Separately Collected Green and/or Biodegradable Waste

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Waste management

The project for the construction of a composting installation on the territory of Plovdiv Municipality, which is under OP “Environment”, envisaged the construction of a basic infrastructure on a private municipal property. The capacity of the installation is 15 000 tonnes, only for plant waste. Mobile equipment is provided to ensure...

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Developing Integrated System for the Urban Transport in Dobrich

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The project "Development of an integrated urban transport system in Dobrich" is funded under the of OP "Regions in Growth" 2014-2020 within its priority 2 "Integrated urban transport". It is implemented in the town of Dobrich (North East Bulgaria) and include the following activities: 1. Implementation of a smart...

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Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Waste management

The project "Transition to Circular Economy through Composting in Households and in Pilot Schools in the Municipality of Etropole”, under OP “Environment”, aims at preventing the generation of municipal waste and in particular the amount of biodegradation. The project covers the town of Etropole, the villages of Brusen,...

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Nationwide network of energy advisors

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Education

"Nationwide advisory support system for the public sector, housing sector and enterprises in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources" is a project implemented by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) and 16 regional partners. The main idea of the project was to create a...

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3 in 1 glass

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

PVGLASS+ multifunctional insulating glass is an innovative product developed in the Photovoltaic Research and Development Center of ML System. This solution combines three different functions: the ability to adjust the transparency of the glass, photovoltaic cells acting as an electricity generator, and a heating glass that not only prevents the...

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LIFE IP RESTART- Boosting waste recycling into valuable products by setting the environment for a circular economy in Slovenia

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Waste management

Slovenia has made commendable progress in waste management, surpassing the 2020 EU waste recycling target by achieving 71% in municipal waste recycling. However, challenges persist, especially with recycling Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) which holds a significant proportion of waste generated in the nation. The LIFE IP RESTART project...

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LIFE IP EnerLIT- Improving energy efficiency in Lithuania

Country: Lithuania Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

Lithuania has embarked on a pivotal transformation with its National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) for 2021-2030, aligning itself with the EU's environmental mandates and the Paris Agreement. This plan emphatically targets sectors with the most significant energy efficiency potential: transport, building, and industry. Buildings, accounting...

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Waste To Resources Latvia - boosting regional sustainability and circularity

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Waste management

Latvia is set on a transformative journey to drastically improve its waste management infrastructure. Despite increasing the municipal solid waste recycling rate to 44% between 2014-2020, Latvia remains below the 55% target set for 2025 by the National Waste Management Plan 2021-2028 (NWMP2028). Challenges such as packaging waste recycling and...

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History and greenery - revitalization of the park in Warsaw

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Tourism

The modernized Park of Action "Burza" combines a recreational function with a historical one – it is a symbolic place, commemorating the events of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944 and built on the ruins of the destroyed capital. The central point of the park is the Warsaw Uprising Mound. As part of the revitalization project, the area...

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Velo Czorsztyn - cycling route around Lake Czorsztyn

Country: Poland Area: Regional Thematic area: Tourism

The cycling route around Lake Czorsztyn in the vicinity of the Pieniny National Park is considered one of the most picturesque in Poland. The trail referred to by cyclists as "Velo Czorsztyn" is very popular, especially in the summer season. It has two variants of routes – the basic one with a length of about 27.5 km and a longer...

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Airly app to check air quality

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Air quality

Airly is a startup founded by a group of students of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. The idea to create sensors to measure the current state of air quality arose on the occasion of the creators' preparations to participate in the marathon – they wanted to know in which areas of the city it is safest to run, so...

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Sustainable management of water in Radom City

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

Project „Adaptation to climate change through sustainable management of water of the urban area in Radom City” (LIFERADOMKLIMA-PL) aimed in increasing climate resilience of the city of Radom by: 1) building demonstrative blue-green infrastructure e (BGI) for managing extreme rainwater flows and control flood risks (outside and within...

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Design strategy for a natural mattress company

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Industry

The company "Danpol" is a long-standing manufacturer of mattresses for children and adults, specializing in the production of products from natural materials. The company uses buckwheat husks for production - a natural material with extraordinary health-promoting properties, which for many years was considered only a waste product of...

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"Concreteosis" - revitalisation of Polish towns

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

As part of revitalization projects co-financed by EU funds, the centres of many Polish cities and towns have been stripped of trees and greenery and literally filled with concrete. This phenomenon, often referred to by journalists and urban activists as "concreteosis", is unfortunately common in Poland and has permanently changed the...

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Modern ecological education center in a historic building

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The Center for Ecological Education "Arka" (CEE ARKA) operates in the complex of the Agricultural and General Education School in Żywiec. As part of the project, the area along the Moszczanka stream valley was rehabilitated - the degraded area of about 7 hectares was cleaned, invasive plants were removed, trees, shrubs and melliferous...

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Ecoports - Szczecin's selective waste collection points

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Waste management

Since 2014, a network of Ecoports, i.e. places where residents can leave municipal waste, including waste electrical and electronic equipment, batteries, accumulators, tires, furniture, free of charge, has been created in Szczecin. Currently, there are nine such points in the city, and the construction of the last two has been carried out with...

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Politician’s Innovative Factory in Balatonfüred

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

Former State Secretary conceptualized and inaugurated a distinctive fruit processing establishment in close vicinity to his opulent villa in Balatonfüred. This project was fueled by EU rural development grants. The two-storied structure, which harmoniously assimilates with the elegance of a vacation residence, is a reflection of...

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NAV Uncovered Several Hundred Million Budget Frauds

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

NAV, after an exhaustive investigation, exposed considerable financial discrepancies involving two companies located in Budapest and Heves County. These infractions pertained to the misuse of state and EU subsidies, amounting to hundreds of millions of HUF. The companies, both orchestrated and inaugurated by identical entities, professed the...

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Construction Industry Fruit Processing

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

Several construction companies across Hungary have been spotlighted for procuring substantial funds, amounting to hundreds of millions, to establish fruit processing units such as apple chip manufacturing and syrup production plants. However, a common thread across these sites is the visible lack of any ongoing operations or activities. Some...

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Edelény's Luxurious fruit procession plant

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

In a scenic location atop Császta hill, near Edelény, a luxurious fruit processing plant was allegedly constructed, reportedly utilising a substantial €265 million from EU rural development funds, the full budget totalling to around half a billion Hungarian Forints. Despite being officially labelled as a "fruit processing...

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Restoration of river ecosystems: example of river Mura in Slovenia

Country: Slovenia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

Despite the fact that the state of ecosystems in Slovenia is deteriorating - in particular aquatic ecosystems - there is a significant lack of nature restoration, rehabilitation and rewilding projects in Slovenia. The project Natura Mura is one of the few bright exceptions. It addresses some of the key challenges for nature conservation and the...

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Mistake to avoid: incomplete communication of upcoming and past public tenders and their main selection criteria on the central web portal for EU funds

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Administration

Article 49 of the Common Provision Regulation 2021-2027 requires Member States to adopt a single web portal that enables free access to both a timetable of upcoming calls under various EU funds (updated at least three times per year) and list of operations (beneficiaries and contractors) that were selected for support from EU funds (updated at...

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Safe cycling - Support for cross-border cooperation of public administration bodies and people living in the border area

Country: Slovakia Area: Regional Thematic area: Transport

The purpose of this project is to promote cycling and teach safety through training at an early age: - participation and preparation of teachers in joint training, preparation and exchange of experience in workshops, - preparation of joint teaching material for cyclists emphasizing the differences in road traffic rules between the two countries...

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Photovoltaic source - administrative building Šaľa town

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The subject of the project entitled: "Photovoltaic source - administrative building of the Municipal Office of Šaľa", is the complete delivery of photovoltaic technology, including the installation and assembly of devices on the roof of the Municipal Office building in Šaľa. A total of 66 photovoltaic panels with a total...

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Living Rivers – Implementation of the Water Plan of Slovakia in selected basins

Country: Slovakia Area: National Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The project is focused on the implementation of the Water Plan of Slovakia within the Danube, Hron, Ipeľ and Belá river basins. The goal is to ensure good ecological status / good ecological potential (GES / GEP) of waters in 10 water bodies and thus improve a total of 344 km of water courses through hydromorphological measures,...

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Protection and return of steppe bird species to the lowlands of Slovakia

Country: Slovakia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The project is aimed at the protection and restoration of habitats that represent potentially suitable habitats for selected ten species of birds of European importance: black-tailed godwit, white-tailed grebe, red-footed grebe, blue-footed sandpiper, ruffed duck, peregrine falcon, wood screech, field swan, wheel magpie and magpie ordinary. The...

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Photovoltaic panels on city buildings in Trnava

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

Today, primary schools in Trnava are largely self-sufficient in the production of electricity. There are photovoltaic panels on the buildings of nine primary schools under the authority of the city, which significantly contributed to the reduction of electricity bills. Trnava was the first city in Slovakia to take such a step. The installation of...

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Greening of the footbridge on Starohájska

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The goal that the city government wanted to achieve on the seven-meter-wide, frequented and dazzled footbridge almost all day in the summer is also expressed in the very name of the project: Cities resistant to the effects of climate change - Greening and shading of the footbridge on Starohájska Street. The large area of greenery that will...

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Cold thermal baths in Lidzbark Warmiński

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Tourism

Termy Warmińskie is an example of an investment that from the very beginning aroused controversy and met with numerous criticisms. The basic objection to the legitimacy of the investment appeared already at the design stage and concerned too low water temperature. From the research in 2011 preceding the construction of the thermal baths, it...

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Klimada 2.0 Climate Change Knowledge Base

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Education

Klimada 2.0 is a project implemented by the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute, its main goal was to provide expert knowledge on the effects of climate change in Poland and the need to adapt to them. The full name of this nationwide project is “The knowledge base on climate change and adapting to...

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Subsidies for gas boilers, so-called “Kotlíkové dotácie”

Country: Slovakia Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

In April 2019, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved a change to the Environmental Quality Operational Program. The goal was to reduce emissions of dust particles into the air. In addition to industrial production, the reason is inefficient heating in households. Support for replacing old solid fuel boilers with new gas boilers was...

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Mistake to avoid: a non-functional visitor center to present traditional agriculture

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The aim of the project “Complex habitat development and the construction of an agricultural center in the Mura river basin” was to improve the condition of the protected area of the local Biosphere Reserve by restoring the mosaic (forest, grassland, floodplain) floodplain habitats formed during the traditional extensive landscape use,...

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Mistake to avoid: public funding of renewables and energy efficiency improvement for SMEs with any activities, e.g. car saloons

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

The project was part of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme, with the goal of subsidizing the use of renewable energy and the energy efficiency improvement of buildings of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), in order to decrease their prime energy consumption and GHG emissions. A total of 102 million EUR was dedicated...

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1st round of revitalization of the Skanstes street

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The specific objective of the project is the construction of new streets with engineering communications below them, by creating a well-connected neighbourhood with other parts of the city with a regional/national sports, entertainment, conference and cultural events centre, accompanied by balanced business building with high-quality offices and...

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Riga railway sub-section 'Sarkandaugava – Mangaļi – Northern Riga' modernisation '

Country: Latvia Area: Regional Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to improve the section of the Riga railway hub, which is part of the TEN-T railway network, in order to improve the safety, quality and capacity of the railway network. The project includes: building and electrifying the second track in Mangaļi – North Wales; rebuilding station park tracks; modernising the alarm...

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Supporting energy and climate adaptation policies at the local level in Slovenia and Italy

Country: Slovenia Area: Regional Thematic area: Administration

The project "SECAP - Supporting energy and climate adaptation policies" offered practical support to the municipalities of the partner areas in Slovenia and Italy for the implementation of sustainable energy and climate adaptation policies. The project accompanied the transition from outdated local Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)...

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Mistake to avoid: assessing environmental impacts of parts of a larger (wastewater) project but not of the whole project

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

It is common practice to split large infrastructure projects into several sections, phases or parts. As a consequence environmental impacts are often not assessd systematically for the overall project but only for its elements one by one, or they are not even assessed at all. In Slovenia a controversial example for such a practice is the waste...

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Making the absorption of EU funding from the RRF conditional on reaching binding environmental milestones (reforms)

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Administration

The introduction of mandatory milestones in the national Slovenian recovery and resilience plan (RRP) enabled reforms that otherwise would not have been implemented or only at a later time. By making the disbursement of funds conditional on achieving such milestones, the EC created strong incentives for national governments to quickly push...

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Improving living conditions while reducing energy consumption and emissions: example of complete energy renovation of multi-apartment buildings in Velenje

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

In the coal-mining town of Velenje in Savinjsko-Šaleška region, three municipality owned multi-apartment buildings that required the installation of energy efficiency features, were subject to complete energy renovation. By reducing thermal energy consumption (savings of 48 to 64 kwh per m2 of conditioned building area) and...

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Mistake to avoid: Climate change adaptation projects that unnecessarily harm nature - example of flood protection measures

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The highest financial allocation in Slovenian Recovery and resilience plan (RRP), €310 million, is for implementation of flood-protection measures. Another €132 million for this purpose are planned under Slovenian programme for cohesion funding 2021-2027. It has been stated at the declarative level by the autorities that the measures...

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Commuting to work by public transport: improving railway links between Ljubljana and its surroundings

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

Most railway lines in Ljubljana region have not been upgraded for a very long time and consequently cannot offer an attractive alternative to car use to those who migrate to Ljubljana for work. In this context the rail infrastructure project between Ljubljana and Borovnica is important as it will address the problem of concentrated road traffic...

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Decarbonizing the glass industry with renewable hydrogen - the case of Hrastnik1860 in Slovenia

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Industry

The glass industry is a major source of GHG emissions in Europe. Glass production is an energy-intensive process and carbon emissions from the production of glass come to a large extent from the combustion of natural gas. Glass is an inert packaging that can be recycled many times so it potentially is sustainable packaging. Ideally, glass is...

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Increasing the uptake of renewables via energy storage at historical urban sites (the case of Lendava library in Slovenia)

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

As part of the larger Interreg project Store4HUC, the main objective of the pilot project was to replace the existing oil boiler in the Lendava municipal library with a renewable energy source. The building was connected to the existing geothermal district heating network. The Lendava library building is the last connection in the geothermal...

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Mistake to avoid: Combining brown and (uncertain) green measures in order to pass the DNSH test for new road infrastructure

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The funding of new road infrastructure projects with EU funds is highly controversial and only possible if various mitigating measures are implemented. In Slovenia one such project is the Third Development Axis, which will create another road transport link between the Austrian border in the north and the Croatian border in the south. Some legs...

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PlanB for Slovenia - A network of environmental NGOs working for environmental and nature protection

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Administration

Plan B is a network of Slovenian environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and experts, forming a broad civil society platform for sustainable development in Slovenia, along with other interested stakeholders. The primary objective of the NGO network within Plan B is to support long-term sustainable operation of environmental NGOs and...

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Nature protection and reducing human impact in the vulnerable Classical Karst region

Country: Slovenia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

Despite the fact that Slovenia is a biodiversity hotspot, there are only few EU projects that fund nature conservation and restoration in Slovenia. The purpose of the "Za Kras" project was to improve the condition of three Natura 2000 habitat types and 21 species in the entire Natura 2000 Karst (Slovenian "Kras") area in the...

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Regional water and wastewater infrastructure development project in Galati county,

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

Romania is one of the countries from EU in which the larges part of the population doesn’t have access to water supply and sewage system. Due to the EU funds an important municipality and the neighbor locality solved this problem. The project aims to carry out works in water and wastewater infrastructure in Galati municipality and Matca...

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The new park, an oasis of peace and relaxation in Topoloveni

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Tourism

The project`s main objective was urban development through the redevelopment of degraded, vacant or unused area in the city of Topoloveni and the development of green spaces on a surface of more than 24,000 sqm. In the first phase works were carried out for the installation of the land, and then equipments were purchased to equip the...

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Environmentally friendly development of Rēzekne city public transport

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to promote the use of environmentally friendly public transport and increase the number of passengers in environmentally friendly public transport. As part of the project, four M3 category electric buses have been purchased and a charging infrastructure has been created in the territory of the bus park of SIA...

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Purchase of an additional electric bus for the city of Valmiera

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to ensure the use of environmentally friendly public transport and increase the number of passengers in environmentally friendly public transport in the Valmiera city route network. When implementing the Project, a new, environmentally friendly, electric bus will be purchased for passenger transportation in the city of...

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Purchase of an electric bus for the city of Valmiera

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to ensure the use of environmentally friendly public transport and increase the number of passengers in environmentally friendly public transport in the Valmiera city route network. When implementing the Project, a new, environmentally friendly, electric bus will be purchased for passenger transportation in the city of...

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Purchase of environmentally friendly buses for the city of Jēkabpils

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

As described in the documentation, the goal of the project is to promote the use of environmentally friendly public transport in Jēkabpils, replacing 7 out of 13 buses with new ones that cause less pollution in the urban environment, thus improving the quality of life for the residents of Jēkabpils. Project results: 7 new buses powered by...

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Environmentally friendly development of Rēzekne city public transport

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to promote the use of environmentally friendly public transport and increase the number of passengers in environmentally friendly public transport. As part of the project, four M3 category electric buses have been purchased and a charging infrastructure has been created in the territory of the bus park of SIA...

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Development of environmentally friendly public transport infrastructure in city of Jelgava

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The goal of the project is to promote the use of environmentally friendly public transport in the city of Jelgava and increase the number of passengers in environmentally friendly public transport: rchase of four environmentally friendly public vehicles (electric buses);  Purchase of two charging station equipment; Implementation of...

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Purchase of environmentally friendly public transport for the city of Valmiera

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to ensure the use of environmentally friendly public transport and increase the number of passengers in environmentally friendly public transport in the Valmiera city route network. During the implementation of the Project, nine new buses with a dual fuel system (diesel-electric hybrid buses) were purchased for passenger...

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Purchase of environmentally friendly public transport (buses)

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

As part of the project, 16 (sixteen) new, environmentally friendly M3 category public vehicles (buses) were purchased, of which 14 (fourteen) vehicles run on diesel fuel according to the maximum permissible emission of the "Euro 6" standard, and 2 (two) vehicles run on electricity. "Jūrmalas autobusu satiksme" LLC now has a...

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Develop environmentally friendly public transport infrastructure in Ventspils (eBuss)

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to provide the residents of the city of Ventspils with environmentally friendly public transport, thereby reducing the environmental pollution caused by public transport in the city of Ventspils and promoting the increase in the number of passengers using environmentally friendly public transport. The main activities of...

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Reconstruction of the tram line and adjacent territory in Liepāja, 4th round

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to promote the use of environmentally friendly public transport and increase the number of passengers in environmentally friendly public transport in Liepāja. The project is a sequential continuation of 2014-2020 of the first and second phases of the planning period for the reconstruction works of the tram track, in...

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Environmentally friendly development of public transport in the city of Daugavpils

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to promote the use of environmentally friendly public transport and increase the number of passengers in environmentally friendly public transport in Daugavpils. The following actions are planned in the project: reconstruction of the tram line in the sections Vienības iela - Stacijas iela, including the intersection of...

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Purchase of electric buses for the city of Riga

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to increase the share of electric transport in the provision of daily public transport services in Riga and to increase the number of passengers who use environmentally friendly public transport. The project envisages the purchase of 35 new industrially produced electric buses, which will replace the currently used...

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Environmentally friendly and integrated mobility in the city of Daugavpils

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to promote the use of environmentally friendly public transport and increase the number of passengers in environmentally friendly public transport in Daugavpils. The project is a continuation of the tram infrastructure improvement works started in previous projects, in order to ensure high-quality, convenient and safe...

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Adaptation of the Riga tram infrastructure to the parameters of the low-floor tram

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

In the current situation, Riga's 7th tram route is served only by aging tram trains, unable to ensure the availability of public electric transport for a number of users, incl. for people with special needs. As a result of the implementation of the project, a positive impact is expected on the number of passengers transported on tram routes 5...

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Riga tram infrastructure development

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The main complaints from residents of the Riga area Skanste and visitors to the area are about the poor availability of public transport, as the central part of Skanstes is poorly connected to public transport. The problem becomes especially acute during public events (sports games, concerts, etc.), when public transport is overcrowded and there...

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To develop electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Latvia

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The goal of the project is the creation of a network of national-level electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure stations, ensuring the possibility of using EV throughout the territory of Latvia. The target group of the project is all existing and potential EV users, such as companies, municipalities or private individuals, as well as foreign...

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Supporting businesses in the area of the Ogre station, rebuilding a important street section and square in Ogre

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The project's objective is to stimulate commercial activity around the Ogre railway station by reconstructing a section of Skolas Street and the parking lot in Ogre. While the project primarily focuses on economic development, it also holds potential benefits for climate action and the environment.  The inclusion of pedestrian and...

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Development of transport infrastructure in the city of Ludza

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to promote the increase of private investments in the city of Ludza, based on the needs of merchants on Dagdas Street. The water supply and domestic sewage system was rebuilt. Street lighting was improved - LED lights were installed, and electronic communication networks were rebuilt. The desired result of the project is...

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Eco-friendly transport at Galați

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Public passenger transport in Romania is underdeveloped, and due to the preference for the individual transport by cars the cities are overcrowded. Due to this project the city on the Danube, Galati is entering in a new era, and has adopted a strategy which is improving the mobility by improving the public transport, based on ecofriendly...

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Development of the national monitoring and warning system for dangerous meteorological phenomena to ensure the protection of life and property

Country: Romania Area: National Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

Large temperature fluctuations from day to day, record rainfall followed by long periods of drought and heatwaves are natural phenomena caused by climate change that can tragically affect our lives. In order to counteract the effects of the increasing frequency of extreme weather phenomena in Romania, the National Meteorological Administration is...

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Rehabilitation of the urban heating system in the municipality of Oradea, in order to comply with environmental legislation and increase energy efficiency

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

Emissions from heating plants are a major source of air pollution during the cold season. Measures to reduce them have a positive impact on energy efficiency as well as an environmental dimension. With European funding, the City of Oradea has rehabilitated more than 40 kilometres of its heating network, thus contributing to the city's energy...

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Innovative Technologies for Quality Assurance of Materials in Health, Energy and Environment

Country: Romania Area: National Thematic area: Health care

The establishment of the Centre for Innovative Manufacturing Solutions for Intelligent Biomaterials and Biomedical Surfaces (INOVABIOMED) has brought a major benefit by increasing and knowledge transfer capacity, ensuring the conditions for the development of an economic cluster of excellence in Romania, of which the Polytechnic University of...

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Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The project puts the smart city concept into practice by developing a technology and connectivity platform that enables the creation of new electronic service systems. It was developed an innovative software product for comprehensive and intelligent parking management at city level (SM@RT CITY P@RKING). The innovative product developed by the...

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LIFECOOLCITYIT - Systems for effective blue-green infrastructure in cities

Country: Poland Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The LIFE COOL CITY project aims to enhance the adaptive capacity of EU cities in the face of climate change by implementing innovative IT systems for the management of blue-green infrastructure (BGI). The project will utilize remote sensing technologies to assess and monitor the status of BGI, identify priority areas for action, and implement...

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INF-ARMY - Supporting users of military areas in the management of Natura 2000 sites

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The INF-ARMY project aims to support the management of Natura 2000 sites in Polish military areas. The project will establish a management network involving various institutions and improve data acquisition, conservation measures, and nature conservation management procedures in military areas. Specific objectives include setting up a training...

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LIFE4WadersPL - Recovery of wet grassland wader populations in Poland through creation of large-scale conservation areas.

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The LIFE4WadersPL project aims to recover wet grassland wader populations in Poland through the creation of large-scale conservation areas. Wet grassland wader species in Poland have been experiencing rapid declines at an average rate of 5-8% per year. The main objective of this project is to improve the conservation status of these species by...

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AUDITS-KNOWnNEBs - Integration of non-energy benefits into energy audit practices to accelerate the uptake of recommended measures.

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

The AUDITS-KNOWnNEBs project aims to accelerate the uptake of recommended energy efficiency measures by integrating non-energy benefits (NEBs) into energy audit practices. Energy audits are crucial in identifying tailored recommendations for energy efficiency investments, but the current approach mainly focuses on direct energy cost savings and...

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OwnYourSECAP-Bringing local and regional municipalities towards owning their SECAPs.

Country: European Union Area: Regional Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The OwnYourSECAP project aims to bring local and regional municipalities towards owning their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). Many municipalities have been working on local climate mitigation policies and measures, but they face challenges in integrating climate adaptation and energy poverty aspects, aligning plans with more...

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LIFE LATESTadapt - Nature-based solutions for climate resilience in urban areas

Country: Estonia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The LIFE LATESTadapt project aims to increase the resilience of urban areas in Estonia and Latvia to extreme weather events by developing and demonstrating a portfolio of nature-based and smart solutions. The project focuses on four specific objectives: nature-based solutions, digital change, quality of planning, and engaged communities and...

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Build up Skills (BUS) initiative in CZ and SK

Country: Czech Republic Area: Regional Thematic area: Energy efficiency

The Double Decker project aims to increase construction capacities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia to support the transformation of the construction industry in energy efficiency, renewable energy, technical progress, education, and digitalization. The project seeks to update essential Europe-wide documents, such as the National Status Quo...

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LIFE WILL-LIFE Water in Landscape and Soil Project

Country: Czech Republic Area: Regional Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The LIFE WILL project aims to increase the resilience of people and agricultural landscapes to climate change in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The current situation in both countries is marked by degraded soils, increased erosion, and declining biodiversity, contributing to vulnerability to climate change impacts such as drought and flooding....

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Adapt Brdy-Climate Change Adaptation of Forests in the Brdy Highland

Country: Czech Republic Area: National Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The LIFE Adapt Brdy project focuses on adapting forest stands in the Brdy Highland in Czechia to climate change and increasing their resilience to biotic and abiotic factors. The changing climate, particularly prolonged drought and bark beetle infestations, pose significant threats to the health and stability of forest stands in the area. The...

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LIFE WatClima-Bulgaria’s Water Strategies for Transition to a Climate Neutral and Resilient Society

Country: Bulgaria Area: National Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The LIFE WatClima project aims to address the challenges posed by climate change in the water sector in Bulgaria. The country has experienced extreme floods and droughts, leading to significant damages and disruptions in water supply. The project aims to develop two key water strategy documents, the National Strategy for Management &...

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Wetlands Green Life -Restoration and conservation of marshes, peatlands, and wetlands in Natura 2000 and Green Infrastructure areas

Country: Poland

The project aims to implement the Prioritised Action Framework for the Natura 2000 network in Poland, specifically focusing on marshes, peatlands, and wetlands in Natura 2000 and Green Infrastructure areas. These ecosystems are facing progressive degradation due to changes in hydrological conditions, making them one of the fastest-disappearing...

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LIFE for Lake Varna- Demonstration of a pilot green infrastructure as a win-win solution for biodiversity and development in Lake Varna

Country: Bulgaria Area: National Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The project "Demonstration of a pilot green infrastructure as a win-win solution for biodiversity and development in Lake Varna” aims to address the extensive loss of river connectivity and ecological degradation in the Danube River Basin. With over one million barriers on Europe's rivers and significant degradation of floodplain...

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SeaClear2.0- Scalable Full-cycle Marine Litter Remediation in the Mediterranean: Robotic and Participatory Solutions

Country: European Union Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The SeaClear2.0 project aims to address the pervasive issue of marine litter in the Mediterranean and contribute to the Mission of restoring, protecting, and preserving the health of our oceans, seas, and waters by 2030. The project takes a holistic approach, focusing on the full cycle of marine litter, particularly plastics and microplastics. It...

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Danube Region Water Lighthouse Action (DALIA)

Country: Hungary Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The DALIA (Danube Region Water Lighthouse Action) project aims to address the deteriorating state of rivers in the Danube River Basin (DRB) and improve the overall management of this complex ecosystem. With the participation of 22 expert organizations from 8 different Danube EU and Associated countries, DALIA brings together a diverse range of...

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Country: Austria Area: Regional Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The DANUBE4all project aims to develop a comprehensive Restoration Action Plan for the Danube River basin, focusing on improving ecological status, biodiversity, and ecosystem connectivity. The project seeks to involve stakeholders and integrate citizens' interests in the restoration process, aligning with the Mission "Restore our ocean...

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Country: European Union Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The BIODIVERSITY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SYNERGIES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR EUROPEAN TRANSPORT NETWORKS (BISON) project aims to improve the integration of biodiversity considerations into infrastructure planning, construction, operation, and decommissioning for European transport networks. It addresses the needs of both Western and Eastern Europe in...

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Sustainable regional bioenergy policies: a game changer

Country: Romania Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

BIO4ECO project intended to improve regional and national policy processes and policy implementation and delivery addressing the transition to a low carbon economy, in relation with renewable energy use, the energy efficiency of buildings, and forest and agricultural biomass. The main outcomes of the project were the increase of the share of...

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Creation of the public lighting system of Alba Iulia Municipality

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

The project resulted in the decrease of the annual primary energy consumption in public lighting in Alba Iulia Municipality -Cetate district from 378.052,00 (kWh/year) - value before the implementation of the project, to 222.721,80 (kWh/year), starting with 2022 by creating the new public lighting system in the area targeted by the project with a...

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TID(Y)UP: Tisza-Danube integrated action plan to eliminate plastic pollution of rivers

Country: Hungary Area: Regional Thematic area: Waste management

Tid(y)Up project is focusing on the improvement of water quality and reduction of plastic pollution in one of Europe’s most heavily contaminated rivers, the Tisza, and investigates plastic pollution and its effect on the Danube and the Black Sea. Prior to this project there have been no standard methods and consistent data available on...

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LIFE BioBalance: Balancing solid biomass for climate neutrality in CEE countries

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

The project’s overall objective is to support EU Member States to shift to a low-carbon and resilient economy by ensuring that solid biomass is produced and used sustainably at all levels. The main focus of the project is forestry biomass harvested for energy production, but it also includes the sustainability aspect of non-forestry solid...

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Revitalization of the Agátka housing estate yard

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The participatively planned project, which was created as a joint work of the city and its residents, will become a reality already this year. A large and safe space will be used for rest and relaxation for children and adults. Play elements for children, a community garden, an artificial stream, public toilets - not only local residents can look...

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Bardejov - flood protection on the Topľa River

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The original goal of the project was the anti-flood treatment of the water course in the city of Bardejov in a length of 1.5 km, in the form of riverbed modification and construction of a concrete wall. However, this project has not improved the river environment in any way. It involved mechanical treatment with heavy machinery, piling stone and...

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Support for green transformation in RES areas Partial measure 1: Creation of methodologies and 2 pilot areas suitable for the development of wind energy

Country: Slovakia Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

Accelerating the introduction of RES is one of the pillars of REPowerEU in order to reduce the EU's dependence on fossil fuel imports from Russia and the EU's transition to clean energy. The aim of Reform 2 is, through 3 sub-measures, to create prerequisites for the further introduction of RES and green technologies (including hydrogen)...

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Supporting families at risk of energy poverty in REPowerEU

Country: Slovakia Area: National Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The amended NRRP plan includes 6.4 billion euros, of which 400 million euros in a new REPower chapter. An important element is that additional money is envisaged for the renovation of houses and renewable sources of energy, which should also be earmarked for families at risk of energy poverty. This measure was included in the "top-up"...

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Sustainable development of the rural area by tourism - Consolidation, restoration of the Fortified Unitarian Church Ensemble

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Tourism

Romania if famous as sustainable (green, rural) tourism destination, but the infrastructure for this kind of tourism is very poor. Thanks to EU funds several tourism destinations were renovated, ensuring also the energy efficiency of those buildings, reducing in this way the pressure to the mass tourism destinations and reducing the impact (and...

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Creation of the public lighting system of Alba Iulia Municipality-Cetate district

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

The project resulted the decrease of the annual primary energy consumption in public lighting in Alba Iulia Municipality -Cetate district from 378.052,00 (kWh/year) - value before the implementation of the project, to 222.721,80 (kWh/year), starting with 2022 by creating the new public lighting system in the area targeted by project with a...

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Green space rehabilitation – recreational area in Codlea

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Health care

In Romania in many tows the urban space is dominated by cars and it’s a lack of green space and recreational area. In the same situation is the municipality of Codlea, a middle sized town (a little bit more than 20.000 inhabitants) from Transylvania. The main goal of the project was to create conditions for improving the quality of life of...

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Promotion of Regional Bioenergy Initiatives

Country: Romania Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

The project "PROMOBIO - Promotion to Regional Bioenergy Initiatives", funded by the European Commission, was initiated by the Institute for Forestry Research - Metla in Finland and was implemented in partnership with partners from Finland, Austria, Poland, Slovakia and with two Romanian partners: Institute for Energy Studies and...

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Restoration of the historical centre of Agnita

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The project aims the restoration of the historical centre and sustainable valorization of the cultural heritage in order to increase the tourist attractiveness of Agnita. The historical centre of Agnita, which was included in rehabilitation, includes 17 cultural heritage buildings, a museum and a fortified evangelical church. Agnita is the only...

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Supporting energy efficiency, intelligent energy management and the use of energy from renewable sources in public infrastructure, including public buildings and housing - Residential buildings

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

This project improved the living conditions of 141 households, reduced the annual primary energy consumption from a total of 1,566,704 kWh/year to a total of 994,027 kWh/year and the amount of CO2 emissions from the 3 blocks of flats in Miercurea Ciuc from a total of 88.58 kg/m2/year to a total of 54.27 kg/m2/year. Thus, the municipality has...

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Bringing back the extinct sturgeon into the North-Eastern Baltic Sea

Country: Estonia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The Estonian-Finnish joint project, "Restoration of the Baltic Sea sturgeon population in Estonian waters," is a significant step towards the recovery of the sturgeon population in the Baltic Sea. The project aims to fulfill the Baltic sturgeon protection and population recovery plan approved by HELCOM in 2020. The project will focus on...

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Restoration of natural watercourses to reduce water deficit on sodic wetland system in the Hortobágy

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The SODIC WETLAND SYSTEM project aims to address the significant water deficit in 15 sodic wetlands in Hortobágy National Park. Due to climate change and regional stormwater drainage, less water enters the wetlands, causing dry habitats to increase and resulting in a decline in the conservation status of Pannonic salt steppe, salt marsh,...

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GrassLife2- Restoring EU priority grassland habitats and building a new narrative for their management

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The GrassLIFE2 project aims to address the declining trend of all grassland habitats of EU importance in Latvia, which are currently in an unfavourable conservation status due to a long-term neglect of semi-natural grassland habitats. The project is a continuation of the successful GrassLIFE project, which restored 1,320 ha of EU priority...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Construction of a permeable parking lot made of gravel paving on Komenského Street in Vítkov. 34 parking spaces and 2 spaces for disabled persons will be created. The project will contribute to a better management of rainwater in the intravilan, where water will naturally soak into the soil and erosion will not occur.

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LIFE PeatCarbon -Peatland restoration for greenhouse gas emission reduction and carbon sequestration in the Baltic Sea region

Country: Latvia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The LIFE PeatCarbon project aims to mitigate climate change by implementing Climate Change Mitigation (CCM) measures in degraded peatlands, which are among the most threatened ecosystems in Europe due to drainage and over-exploitation. Peatlands store large quantities of carbon, making them important carbon sinks, but peatland drainage and...

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Urban Life Circles - Introducing adaptive community based biodiversity management in urban areas for improved connectivity and ecosystem health

Country: Estonia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The urbanLIFEcircles project is a bold and innovative initiative that aims to restore biodiversity in urban areas. Led by Tartu, a consortium of lighthouse cities, including Riga and Aarhus, will work together to create 'urban LIFE circles,' continuous stretches of restored valuable habitats and green urban areas that support...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The aim of the project is digital flood plan of the municipality Střílky, which is currently not equipped to function in case of a power outage. A digital flood plan for a municipality is a plan that serves as a tool for monitoring and managing flood risk in the given municipality. The project also involves purchasing an alternative power...

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NaturaConnect - Designing a resilient and coherent Trans-European Network for Nature and People

Country: European Union Area: Regional Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The Horizon Europe NaturaConnect project is a four-year project launched in July 2022 to support the European Union's ambitious strategy for protected areas under the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy. The project, led by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, brings together 21 partner institutions to develop knowledge, tools,...

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LIFE 4 Oak Forests - Conservation management tools for increasing structural and compositional biodiversity in Natura2000 oak forests

Country: Hungary Area: Regional Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The LIFE 4 Oak Forests project aims to improve the conservation status and biological diversity of oak forests in the EU, specifically those with downy oak and Pannonian-Balkanic turkey oak-sessile oaks. These forests have been negatively impacted by centuries of commercial logging, unsuitable forest management, and overpopulation of wild game,...

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CEESEU-DIGIT - Central and Eastern European Sustainable Energy Union

Country: Estonia Area: Regional Thematic area: Administration

The CEESEU-DIGIT project is a continuation of the CEESEU project, aimed at developing a new type of regional energy and climate plans (ECAPs) in six target areas of Central and Eastern Europe. The project aims to address the lack of awareness, capacity, and resources of CEE municipalities in developing Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans...

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CEE2ACT- Empowering the Central and Eastern European Countries to Develop Circular Bioeconomy Strategies and Action Plans

Country: Hungary Area: Regional Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

CEE2ACT aims to foster the transition towards a circular bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European countries by empowering them to develop national bioeconomy strategies and action plans through innovative governance models. By adopting a bottom-up approach, CEE2ACT will build a coalition of stakeholders committed to achieving national...

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MarginUp - Raising the bio-based industrial feedstock capacity of Marginal Lands

Country: European Union Area: Regional Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

MarginUp is a project that aims to enhance biodiversity and increase farming system resilience by cultivating biodiversity-friendly non-food crops on marginal lands for the production of bio-based products. The project is focused on introducing climate-resilient and biodiversity-friendly non-food crops for sustainable industrial feedstock, with...

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SAFEGUARD- Safeguarding European wild pollinators

Country: European Union Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The Safeguard project aims to reverse the decline of wild pollinators in Europe and the CEE region. The project brings together world-class researchers, NGOs, industry and policy experts to develop and test new approaches that benefit pollinators across various systems. The project's integrated assessment framework uses state-of-the-art...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The Velký Pařezitý pond, which serves as a backup source of drinking water, is in a state of disrepair, posing a potential threat to the safety and property of the nearby village Řásná and other municipalities along its course. The pond is a part of the large stump pond located near Řásná village in...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The site of interest is in the Vysočina Region, east of the village of Pavlov in the valley floodplain with the Lísek stream. The purpose of the project is to repair the existing reservoir and bring it to a safe and operational state, appropriate revitalization of the area and creation of a valuable habitat for amphibians and endangered...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The Boučí dry reservoir is being built in the town of Kojčice, in the Pelhřimov district, to safeguard the northern region of the town from the effects of floodwater caused by the concentration of surface water runoff from the basin located above the village. The function of the reservoir is to convert the floodwater into diverted...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The aim of the project is to create a rainwater collection system from designated public buildings' roofs to water the Sokol Park, pre-school and nursery gardens in Holice's central area. The implementation of the project will lead to the retention of water in the landscape with a volume of 109 m³. The project includes rainwater...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The Revitalization project for the Pernink and Pernink Natural Monument aims to rectify the disrupted hydrological and hydrogeological conditions of the site to ensure an appropriate water regime and to revive the forest stands. The project utilizes a natural approach called renaturalisation, which promotes the growth of wetland vegetation, such...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The project focused on achieving energy savings through the modernization (replacement) of existing outdated and energy-intensive escalators with modern energy-efficient escalators with higher operational safety and lower operating costs.

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The goal of the project was the construction of a new public building - an elementary school built in a passive energy standard. In general, passive house is demanding in terms of technology, location and consideration of orientation, insulation and shading. The constructed building is primarily heated by heat pumps, ventilation is handled by...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The project is based on the collaboration of an agricultural enterprise and a university to innovate plant protection and fertilization techniques and procedures using nitrogenous fertilizers. It is primarily about increasing the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization and the variability of the habitat, minimizing errors during fertilizer and...

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Smart Thermal Management of Electric Vehicle Traction Integrated Drives with Onboard Motors, Power Electronics Converters, Power Sources and Thermal Circuits

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to develop the design and manufacturing technology of the heat exchange system with stress corrosion cracking different types of thermorelays. The heat exchange system must be configurable and able to connect multiple heat sources (evaporators) to multiple heat sinks (condensers). It should also be electronically...

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Development of hydrogen hydraulic compression technology for hydrogen filling stations (H2-Compression)

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The project is intended as an industrial study, including a technical-economic feasibility study and experimental development, the aim of which is to acquire new knowledge and skills for the development of an innovative technological solution for the compression of gaseous hydrogen and the creation of its prototype. The novelty of the method is...

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Environmentally friendly zero-residue technology for the production of liquid biofuel and biogas from biomass

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to carry out a non-economic project in Engineering and Technology and to develop an efficient, environmentally friendly zero-residue technology for the processing of lignocellulosic biomass to produce biofuel and biogas. The advantages of the technology are related to several innovative...

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Development of new sensors and research of their applications for obtaining traffic and pedestrian flow data for the improvement of smart city lighting and other urban planning solutions

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

Within the framework of the project, the development of new sensors with additional functionality will be carried out (acquisition of new data that will more accurately count the participants of the traffic and pedestrian flow), the obtained data of which could be used not only for the smart lighting system, but also for other smart city...

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IWiRoM: An Intelligent Winter Road Maintenance Information System

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

LLC "ZZ Dats" The aim of the project is to obtain intellectual property rights and economic benefits resulting from the conducted research regarding increasing the efficiency of winter road maintenance processes by developing an open and modular intellectual winter road maintenance support information system based on the latest...

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Development of a sustainable heating solution for the public electric transport cabin

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

Project partners: Latvia's University of Life Sciences in cooperation with SIA e-Mobility and SIA Lesla Latvia. The aim of the project is to develop an ecologically sustainable heat supply solution for public electric transport using heat accumulators. The new technology will make it possible to supply public electric buses without relying on...

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iTrEMP: Intelligent transport and violation management system by WeAreDots LLC

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The goal of the project is to develop an innovative platform for the collection, distribution and management of traffic data, which could serve as a basis for the development of new products that would support more environmentally friendly and efficient city management. In order to ensure the achievement of the set goals, the following activities...

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Intelligent electricity management systems adapted to multi-apartment buildings – InReBEMD

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The aim of the project is to obtain intellectual property rights and economic benefits resulting from the research carried out regarding the improvement of electricity management solutions for multi-apartment buildings by developing a state-of-the-art, cloud-based, adaptive and artificial intelligence-driven electricity management platform and...

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Development of a set of electric train electrical equipment with improved characteristics by LLC "Rīgas elektromašīnbūvas rūpnīca" (RER)

Country: Latvia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The specific goal of the project is the development of a new, innovative product - a set of electrical equipment for an electric train with significantly improved characteristics - by optimizing the network filter unit, creating an innovative network reactor, and adjusting the operation of the pulse width modulation regulator of the traction...

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Renovation of the railway line connecting Békéscsaba and Lőkösháza (RRF)

Country: Hungary Area: Regional Thematic area: Transport

Békéscsaba and Lőkösháza, a city and a village in Hungary respectively, are located in the south-eastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain, close to the Hungarian-Romanian border. An important international railway line crosses the border in this area, connecting Budapest with Istanbul via Békéscsaba and...

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Integrated Water Management Information System WATMAN

Country: Romania Area: National Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The overall objective of the project was to provide an effective tool to the authorities responsible for flood management to limit the damage caused by major hazard events (floods, accidental pollution) in order to protect the population and its assets. At the same time, the project also contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the SOP...

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Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control

Country: Romania Area: National Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

In Romania the nitrate pollution of the groundwater is a real problem, being included in the list of the vulnerable areas 1963 localities (AREAS VULNERABLE TO NITRATE POLLUTION, LOCALITIES/ Ordin 743/2008). The decision taken in 2013 to align the entire country with the provisions of the Water Framework Directive and the Nitrates Directive has...

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Building climate-resilient forests

Country: Czech Republic Area: National Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The aim of this measure is to restore all forest functions, including those that contribute to mitigating climate change by absorbing atmospheric carbon and maintaining a favourable moisture balance in the landscape. The RRF finances this measure.

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Flood protection project in Brno

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

This project is part of the component titled Promoting biodiversity and combating drought, which is included in the Czech National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The aim of this investment is to provide nature-based flood and drought protection and flood risk management in the city of Brno. To be more specific, the aim is to improve or increase...

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Renovation and revitalisation of buildings for energy saving

Country: Czech Republic Area: National

The aim is to provide energy efficient and adapted buildings. The objectives will be achieved by supporting energy renovation of residential buildings, constructing new buildings for housing with higher than mandatory energy standards, and supporting adaptation and mitigation measures on residential buildings. The RRF finances this subcomponent.

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Modernisation of district heating distribution networks

Country: Czech Republic Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

This scheme aims to replace the thermal energy supply systems that currently use coal to with another (less emission-intensive) fuel (biomass, waste or natural gas) by 2038. This is the case for 45 heat plants. The main part of the district heating renovation is supposed to be financed by the Modernisation Fund, and the Recovery and Resilience...

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The boiler subsidy scheme

Country: Czech Republic Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

This scheme aimed to support replacing substandard solid fuel heating sources in family homes to reduce pollutant emissions in the region. The eligible end-users of the funds were the individuals/households. Among the supported heat sources were biomass boilers, electric and gas heat pumps, and gas boilers.

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Hydrotechnical works in the Niraj river basin, Mures county

Country: Romania Area: Regional Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The project "Hydrotechnical works in the Niraj river basin, Mures county" was promoted in order to carry out hydrotechnical works for reducing the risk of flooding and preventing negative effects caused by them, having the technical-economic indicators approved by Government Decision no. 67/2014, technical-economic indicators...

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Rehabilitation of an industrial polluted site

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Industry

In 1975, the local chemical fertilizer platform (Azomures) established the current 30 ha basin with a dual role: that of an open basin for closed-circuit cooling of acid hot water from the technological process of manufacturing complex fertilizers (NPK) and that of storing calcium carbonate suspensions and other insoluble salts as a result of...

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Mistake to avoid: a non-functional, oversized rainwater reservoir built in an unsuitable protected area, using unsafe materials.

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

In 2021, a 3 hectare rainwater reservoir and a km long concrete-lined channel was constructed in Zsombó village, on the territory of the Kiskunság National Park, which is part of the core area of the National Ecological Network - a priority nature protection area. The construction of the reservoir was justified by preventing inland...

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Vratsa Municipality's project to modernise urban transport and improve air quality

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Brief description of the project The objective of the project proposal is to improve the ambient air quality in the Municipality of Vratsa by reducing the levels of fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxides as a result of the replacement and modernisation of the rolling stock of mass public transport. It is planned to deliver 13 new electric...

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RenoHUB: one-shop-stop offices boosting the energy efficiency renovation of residential buildings

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

The aim of the project is to boost the energy efficient renovation of residential buildings in Hungary. The current rate of renovations is not sufficient to significantly decrease the energy consumption of the residential sector, which amounts to a third of Hungary's final energy consumption. Residents often lack not only money for the...

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Strategic assessments supporting the long term conservation of natural values of community interest

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The project aims to improve our understanding of ecosystems, map the spatial distribution of Hungary's natural capital and develop the current knowledge base, which is essential to halt biodiversity loss. The project’s main elements include: Status assessment (sampling, surveys, habitat mapping); Development of tools for long-term...

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Geothermal district heating in the city of Szeged (HU)

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

Szeged, in South Hungary is set to have Europe's second largest geothermal residential district heating system after Reykjavik, thanks to a development under the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme. The aim of the development is to move towards a low-carbon economy by partially converting the city’s fossil gas...

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LIFE in RUNOFF - urban climate adaptation in the field of precipitation management in Budapest

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The main objective of the project is to support urban climate adaptation in the field of precipitation management by identifying and strengthening synergies between green and blue infrastructures, in three districts of Budapest (VII, XII, XVIII). The project is planned to effectively reduce the harmful consequences of sudden rainfall by combining...

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Intelligent waste management system in Šitbořice

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Waste management

The South Moravian municipality of Šitbořice operates a unique waste sorting system that directly involves residents. They can sort their waste at home in prepared and labelled bags, motivated not only by environmental protection but also by lower municipal waste collection fees. The best sorters pay only CZK 130 per year for their waste....

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Reducing the energy consumption of urban buildings in the City of Hronov

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

The City of Hronov started implementing its energy-saving measures in 2011. Since then, it has managed to insulate the buildings of primary and kindergarten schools, modernise the boiler room in the town theatre and replace most of the outdated heat sources in the town buildings with modern condensing gas boilers. In total, the city saves CZK 1.5...

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Energy-efficient kindergarten in Sedlejov

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

The subject of the project is the construction of a kindergarten in Sedlejov, with a capacity of 25 children (children aged from 2 to 6 or 7 years), including a garden and play elements. The need for a kindergarten in the village is related to population growth. The increase in the demand for placing children in kindergartens in the village is...

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Sustainable mobility in kindergartens and primary schools in Slovenia

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Education

This project had the aim to change travel habits and plan appropriate infrastructure for a safe journey to school and kindergarten. This included a comprehensive concept of promoting sustainable ways of getting to kindergartens and primary schools for children, parents, teachers, educators, school and kindergarten management and municipal...

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Heat recovery and use in steel plants: the example of SIJ in Slovenia

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Industry

By participating in two different Horizon 2020 projects, the Slovenian steel producer SIJ managed to decrease GHG emissions through the recovery and use of excess process heat. At its location in Jesenice SIJ, in collaboration with the CREATORS project consortium, recovers process heat and feeds it into the local district heating network. At...

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Gallery Cukrarna - Renovation of a run-down historic building in the centre of Ljubljana

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

With the opening of Cukrarna Gallery in September 2021, the Slovenian capital has gained a new venue for exhibiting contemporary art and organizing art events. Cukrarna began life in 1828 as a sugar refinery, burnt down only 30 years later. In the 150 years after that it was used as a home for soldiers, factory workers poor people and artists. In...

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Project Sinica – air pollution monitoring in Slovenia

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Air quality

By upgrading the system for monitoring air pollution, identifying the causes for abnormal air pollution burdens and analysing the impacts of improvement measures, the project SINICA of the Slovenian Environment Agency ARSO contributes to cleaner air and less health impacts from air pollution in Slovenia. Having precise data available is the basis...

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Solar powered e-mobility for the elderly, run by a local energy coop and the municipality

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

With the purchase of a solar power plant and an EV, the small municipality of Loški Potok, already a frontrunner in renewable energy, increased its energy self-sufficiency and now provides a service for the elederly population to get a free locally powered ride. Besides the municipality also the local wood cooperative, which was formed to...

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A renewable energy community that strengthens the weak power grid in a remote Slovenian village

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

Financed by the Horizon 2020 program, in the Slovenian municipality of Luče a renewable energy community was established to increase the local self sufficiency with clean energy and increase the security of supply in this remote mountain valley. Before the project, Luče was a typical case of a rural low voltage network with a weak and unstable...

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Limanowa County storm monitoring and warning application

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Health care

As part of the storm warning and meteo system, Limanowa county has purchased a weather station and storm detector together with a cell phone application. The application has an innovative functionality of receiving notifications about an approaching storm or other danger. The application allows monitoring conditions conducive to thunderstorms and...

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Waste management in Vsetín

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Waste management

The town of Vsetín ranks among the three greenest towns in the Czech Republic, not only in terms of the share of green areas in the total area but also in terms of its approach to the environment. In recent years, it has been trying to change its municipal waste management in a way that leads to better environmental sustainability. The...

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Ecological energy source in Planá nad Lužnicí

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

A modern energy source replaced the original heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí. The unique technology enables the production of electricity and heat with high efficiency and is complemented by a solar power plant and a 4 MW battery. The resulting ecological solution has significantly improved the air quality in the surrounding...

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Centre of ecological education Kaprálův mlýn

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Education

One of the largest and busiest centres of environmental education in the Czech Republic. The low-energy building, supplied almost exclusively from renewable energy sources, links all the innovative technologies used with education. The heating of the premises is solved by ground-water heat pumps combined with a solar system in suitable seasons....

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Water retention pond in the city

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

On the boundary of Warsaw city south districts Mokotów and Ursynów runs a small river: Potok Służewiecki. The river was frequently causing flooding due to its high degree of urbanisation and rising area of impermeable surfaces in their catchment. Above the frequently problematic part of the river, where floods were occuring, was a...

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Put unused heat into the heating network

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

In 2013 private investor constructed a biogas power plant and wind farm in Potęgowo municipality (Pomorskie Region in Poland). The investor focused on prodution of electric energy and did not pay attention to the use of heat from biogas plant. Potęgowo municipality had at that time a small heating network, which was powered by coal power plant...

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Research and development projects supporting the implementation of the European Green Deal strategy and innovation

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: R&D

The National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) is developing a package of 9 research and development undertakings supporting implementation of the European Green Deal strategy. These undertakings are based on the problem-driven research model developed in previous years and implemented in the pre-commercial procurement (PCP) mode. 1....

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Rail Baltica conntecting 3 countries

Country: Latvia Area: Regional Thematic area: Transport

In the Baltic States, Rail Baltica is the largest infrastructure project of the 21st century that will integrate the railway system into the European network. Currently, no train connections exist between all three capitals of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania. The construction phase should be accomplished by 2027, enabling new low-carbon travel mode.

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Solar energy for industrial self-consumption

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

The fish processing enterprise "Unda" acquired a solar PV park located at the shoreline of the Baltic Sea. In 2022, it was one of the largest solar power stations in Latvia (236 kW). The enterprise will use the power for daily operations and freezers.

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LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project: In cooperation for climate-conscious river basin management

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Water/wastewater management

The overarching goal of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project – building on the experience and results of the LIFE-MICACC project, which ended in November 2021 and which is also part of this best practice database– is to improve climate adaptation and coordination capacity of local municipalities, and to support the efficient use of EU...

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Construction of a Water Park and Expansion of Vazrazhdane Park, Sofia

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Health care

Narrative The current project envisaged the construction of a year-round recreational complex, as well as a next step towards the improvement of the area of Renaissance Park (‘Парк Възраждане’ in Bulgarian). Under the project, more than 18 thousand sqm of land have been added to the parking area of the park with passive...

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Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The program envisages the possibility of subsidizing projects involving the purchase/leasing of new zero-emission vehicles of categories M1, M2, M3, N1, L1e, L2e, L3e, L4e, L5e, L6e, L7e using for propulsion only electricity accumulated by connection to an external power source or electricity generated from hydrogen in fuel cells installed in it,...

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Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

The purpose of the program is to increase the production of electricity from photovoltaic micro-installations or to increase the self-consumption of generated electricity through storage (electricity or heat storage) and to increase the efficiency of electricity management in Poland. The projects must contribute to the national target for the...

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Woonerf in Sopot city

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

Woonerf is a term that refers to a way of designing a street in an urbanized zone in such a way that while maintaining the basic functions of the street, special emphasis is placed on traffic calming. The idea emerged in the 1970s in the Netherlands. A woonerf is at the same time a street, a promenade, a parking lot and a meeting place for...

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A Project to Monitor - Green Mobility - a pilot scheme to support sustainable urban mobility

Country: Bulgaria Area: Regional Thematic area: Transport

Narrative Mobility in modern societies has a major impact on our everyday life: it determines how people, economies, and countries interact. A large proportion of Europe's citizens live in urban environments, with over 60% living in urban areas with more than 10 000 inhabitants. Urban mobility is vital for European cities and contributes...

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A Project to Monitor: Energy Efficient Municipal Outdoor Artificial Lighting Systems

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

Narrative Project 11 under Bulgaria’s Recovery and Resilience Plan targets the municipal outdoor artificial lighting systems with the goal to ensure increased levels of energy efficiency of the latter. The aim of the project is to achieve energy savings in the final energy consumption in order to contribute to and accelerate the achievement...

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Flexible electricity grid to better integrate renewable energy sources (RRF)

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

The project – planned to be financed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility – aims at developing the electricity distribution grid to increase its flexibility and facilitate the integration of photovoltaic systems. To connect the photovoltaic capacity planned for 2030 to the grid, a significant expansion of both transmission and...

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Cross border development of bird watching based ecotourism in Special protection areas

Country: Slovakia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The main objective of the project is to increase the attractiveness of the border region by complex development of natural heritage areas, nature preservation and way of environmental interpretation. The project focuses on Natura 2000 areas - Senné ponds, Bodrogzug and Bodrog Floodplain and Bodrogzug-Kopasz-hegy-Taktaköz. We plan to...

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Increasing urban mobility by building a network of cycling infrastructure in Trencin

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Project Objective: The aim of the project is to increase the share of the division of transport work in favour of more environmentally friendly modes of transport - cycling on urban mobility in the city of Trenčín, in its urban part Západ - forming the urban districts Záblatie, Malé Záblatie, Zlatovce,...

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Green Lungs of the City - Revitalization of ÚSPECH Park, Trenčín

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

Project Objective: The goal of the project is to be achieved by revitalizing the urban elements and greening the open space of the park for success with the application of ecological principles of green space creation and protection. The space is to provide a suitable environment for biodiversity, to enable ecosystems to function by linking...

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Sustainable Mobility Plan of Trenčín municipality

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Project objective: The aim of the project is to provide and offer transport solutions that are accessible to all citizens, especially with regard to the major sources and destinations of daily movement of people, to increase traffic safety, to reduce air pollution, noise, greenhouse gases and energy consumption, to ensure cost-effective and...

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Development of energy services - public lighting in Trenčín

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

Project Objective: The aim of the project is to encourage the city and other public entities to adopt low-carbon strategies with clear targets and an emphasis on environmental protection, which is a prerequisite for systematically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, taking into account regional allocative conditions, in line with the Energy...

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Climate Change Adaptation Strategy of Trenčín municipality

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Administration

Project Objective: The project objective is to be achieved through the development of one conceptual strategy document - climate change adaptation, is considered a green infrastructure element and a tangible physical output of the project. Defining a systematic set of actions, responding to reduce vulnerability and increase adaptive capacity to...

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Low carbon strategy in Trnava

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Administration

Main objective: Through the development and adoption of a low-carbon strategy, the City of Trnava will establish a framework of measures to combat climate change in the area. On the basis of the strategy document, the City of Trnava will be able to manage its own approach to the use of practical and financial instruments in the future, which will...

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Climate resilient cities - Greening and shading of the footbridge on Starohájská Street in Trnava

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

Project Objective: It is to build a system of shading structures, which in combination with climbing vegetation and wooden slats will create shaded places on the footbridge and facilitate the movement of residents, especially in times of heat. Project description:The main activity is the construction of a set of shading structures which, in...

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Automatic parking house for bicycles at Trnava railway station

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Project Objective: To increase the attractiveness of bicycle transport in the city and to increase safe bicycle parking capacities at the Trnava bus and railway station through the construction of a bicycle parking house. Project description: The project will increase the parking capacity at the railway and bus station, thus contributing to an...

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Sustainable Mobility Plan for the Regional City of Trnava and its Functional Area

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The main objective and characteristics of the project: the main objective of the project "Sustainable Mobility Plan of the Regional City of Trnava and its functional area" was to support the increase of the attractiveness and competitiveness of public passenger transport, especially non-motorised transport, and to contribute to the...

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An RRP project-to-monitor: Support for sustainable energy renovation of non-residential buildings

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

According to data from the Long-term National Strategy to Support the Renewal of the National Building Stock of Residential and Non-Residential Buildings by 2050, certified buildings for administrative services account for over 20%. The analysis shows that 52.2% of the existing administrative buildings were built and commissioned in the period...

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Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions Through Strong Community Engagement

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Air quality

The main objective of the project is to achieve a 15% increase in the carbon reduction rate compared to the plans that each of the project partners has committed to achieve by 2022, by significantly involving stakeholders in the whole process. The sub-objectives that will contribute to the achievement of the project's main objective are: 1....

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Implementation of Sustainable Land Use in Integrated Environmental Management of Functional Urban Areas

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The main objectives of the project are: The main objective of the project was to contribute to the implementation of sustainable land use in the context of integrated environmental management of urban functional areas (UFAs) at the strategic planning level through the development of methodologies, strategies, action plans and materials for...

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Bike racks for schools - promoting cycling in schools

Country: Slovakia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic has recently published the supported projects from the first ever subsidy scheme aimed specifically at school mobility, namely bicycle racks for parking bicycles at schools. The launch of this financial mechanism is one of the successes of our Go to School on a Bike campaign, as it...

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Revitalisation of the Rudava River

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

Revitalisation of 2.2 km of the Rudava River, through meander restoration and bank beautification. The restoration of the lower section of the Rudava River was carried out by the Bratislava Regional Conservation Association BROZ in cooperation with the Research Institute of Water Management, the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava and the...

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Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

In the context of the EU’s transition towards a green economy, as one of the central themes of the EU, the Recovery and Resilience Plan focuses on decarbonisation and climate neutrality of cities. Buildings in the European Union account for 40% of energy use and 36% of carbon emissions. To achieve the Commission's proposed target...

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“Energy efficiency of multi-family residential buildings in the town of Smolyan”

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

There are a total of 179 multi-family residential buildings in Smolyan. Many of them do not meet the modern energy efficiency requirements and standards. There is also a large number of public buildings that need to be renovated. Smolyan Municipality has been looking for opportunities to include all these buildings in energy efficiency and...

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Renewable Energy Communities (RRF)

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

The objective of the project, planned to be financed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility, is to create at least 25 000 kWP of renewable community energy production capacity. The revenues from the sale of the energy generated by the small renewable energy power plant will be used for social housing in the 300 most disadvantaged municipalities...

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DANUBEPARKS - Danube Protected Areas Network - development and implementation of international strategies for the conservation of natural heritage on the Danube

Country: Slovakia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The natural stretches of the Danube and its extensive floodplains are part of our common European natural heritage. The protected areas on the Danube represent unique natural areas within the international ecosystem. Based on the existing partnership within the Danube Protected Areas Network, the international project DANUBEPARKS has been...

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Conservation of rare butterfly species of non-forest biotopes in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Country: Slovakia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The aim of the project is to halt the decline of biodiversity and strengthen the NATURA 2000 system in the project area through active protection of non-forest habitats and species of European and national importance and their favourable condition, implementation of appropriate management practices and promotion of traditional management....

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Environmental education, visitor eco-centres and restoration of rare habitats in the transboundary region of Moravia river

Country: Slovakia Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The transboundary floodplain region Morava - Dyje and the adjacent territories Weinviertel, Záhorská nížina and Devínska Kobyla are important areas for joint transboundary protection. More than 50 000 ha are covered by protected areas of different protection categories in this area. Many of them are valuable elements...

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Management of biodegradable wastes in Baia Mare, part of a Romanian–Ukrainian cross-border cooperation financed by ENPI

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Waste management

The project is a cross-border cooperation between Baia Mare Municipality, the lead partner of the project located in the region of Maramures in Romania, and two cities from southwest Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk and Kolomyia. It aims at the intensification and strenghtening of the durable cooperation on a social, economic and environmental plan...

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Prof21 – Educating youth for life in the context of sustainable development

Country: Romania Area: National Thematic area: Education

The project was started in 2014 May by CJRAE Bihor (Bihor County Center for Education Resources and Assistance) in partnership with Fundaţia pentru Dezvoltarea Societăţii Civile (Foundation for the Development of Civil Society) and Reper21 Association. It was funded by the European Social Fund through the 2007–2014 Operational Sectoral...

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Raising the energy efficiency of a high school building in Negrești-Oaș.

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

The project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the national Regional Operational Program (POR 2014–2020), SMIS code: 115913. The undertaken actions were the thermic isolation of the building, installation of a new heating system with 2 new central heating units and a water heating unit, renewal of the electrical...

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A renewal attempt for the local public transport infrastructure from Tîrgu Mureș Municipality

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

The beneficiary of the project is Tîrgu Mureș Municipality (SMIS: 127574), funded through the Regional Operational Program 2014–2020 by the ERDF, with the goal of reducing carbon emission in county center cities. The aim of the project is to reduce the use of private cars and thus carbon emissions through ensuring an efficient public...

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Integral waste management system in Sălaj county

Country: Romania Area: Regional Thematic area: Waste management

The project was funded from a 2007–2013 Operational Program and the beneficiary was an association created in 2009 that joines all the 61 localities from Sălaj county, called ECODES Sălaj. The objective was to ensure a healthier life for local residents and a more ecological environment, as the country assumed this objective with the...

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ECOTIC Caravan – raising awareness of the importance of environmentally sound management of WEEE

Country: Romania Area: National Thematic area: Waste management

Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) poses a threat to the environment and to health. It is one of the fastest growing waste sources in the European Union, making up around 4% of municipal waste. According to a 2007 United Nations study, WEEE gathered from across the EU27 amounted to an estimated 8.3 – 9.1 million tonnes per...

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Development of integrated urban transport — Pleven

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Narrative In order to achieve the objectives of the OP “Regions in Growth” 2014-2020, as well as to achieve sustainable and smart growth, integrity and synergistic effect, as a result of a detailed feasibility study, a design decision was approved by decision of the Pleven Municipality, which provides for the replacement of rolling...

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Improvement of ambient air quality in Burgas Municipality through modernisation of public transport

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Narrative The project “Improving ambient air quality in Burgas Municipality through modernisation of public transport” includes the supply and commissioning of 56 electric vehicles for the needs of public mass transport in the municipality, related charging facilities and infrastructure, as well as integration with existing electronic...

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“Modernisation and development of sustainable urban transport in Stara Zagora — Phase II”

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Narrative Stara Zagora has implemented two projects on the development of sustainable urban transport. Thanks to the implementation of the two stages of the transport project, Stara Zagora was able to eliminate the consequences of the depreciated old city buses and significantly improve the air quality in the city. During Phase I of the project,...

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Improvement of ambient air quality by introducing environmentally friendly public electric transport in Pernik

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Narrative The ambient air quality is of a particular importance when it comes to settlements, located in basin landforms with difficult air drainage. One of these areas is the territory of the Pernik valley. The city of Pernik is currently considered as a polluted city. For example, according to IQAir, just on 31st of August 2022, the PM2.5...

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Improving the air quality in Sofia by suppling electrical rail transport

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Narrative The Sofia tram network represents a vital part of the public transportation system of Sofia. It has been operative since January 1, 1901 with a standard gauge one-way track. Most of the track is narrow gauge (1,009 mm), with standard gauge (1,435 mm) used on lines 20, 22 and 23 and accounting for approximately 40 kilometres (25 mi) of...

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Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Transport

Narrative The population of Sofia has been drastically growing over the years. According to statistical data, the inhabitants currently residing the capital of Bulgaria equal around 1,152,556. In its publication from April, 2021, the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) reports that there are more cars in Sofia than the average for the...

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Straw boiler at school

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

The school in the village of Hrušov is insulated and heated with straw. The insulation has reduced the energy demand for heating by 60%, and by switching to straw heating, the municipality will save up to 50% of the heating costs.

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Regional biomass pilot project

Country: Slovakia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

The Biomass Bystricko Association of Municipalities with the support of Friends of the Earth-CEPA built 15 biomass boiler houses in 8 municipalities. The biomass comes from waste from local private or municipal sawmills that buy wood from municipal and urban forests. The association takes care of the whole operation - from purchasing the wood,...

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Microelectric power plant in village Mikolajice

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

In Mikolajice in the Opava region, the first Wave microelectric power plant was launched in 2019, producing heat and electricity for the local municipal office, grocery store and fire station. The equipment, developed by the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings at the Czech Technical University in Prague, consists of a so-called...

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Renewable energy - Wind power plants

Country: Czech Republic Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

The subsidy can be used for the actual purchase of the power plant, covering the costs of construction engineering and utilities. The applicants can also use the subsidy to cover ancillary budget costs and equipment, including control HW and SW. The programme is for small and medium-sized enterprises that are likely to be eligible to apply for...

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Country: Czech Republic Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The Ministry of the Environment will give CZK 600 million to purchase cars with alternative propulsion for municipalities, authorities, schools, public institutions or non-profit organisations. They can get up to CZK 300,000 for a personal electric car and up to half a million crowns for an electric truck or a hydrogen-powered passenger car. For...

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Energy self-sufficient Kněžnice

Country: Czech Republic Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

An example of the only ‘energy-independent’ village in the Czech Republic is Kněžnice. Thanks to its bioenergy centre, consisting of a biogas plant and a biomass heating plant, it can fully cover its energy needs. The biomass boilers burn organic material (mainly wood chips and straw from local farmers) and provide heating and hot...

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Mistake to avoid: mix up road and cycling infrastructure projects

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

Road and cycling infrastructure are often strongly connected, especially when cycling paths are not physically seperated from roads. In these cases it is important to clearly separate investments into cycling infrastructure and safety from investments into road renewal and expansion in order to avoid the greenwashing of EU funds. One illustrative...

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Good for people and the environment: example of the eco-social farm Korenika

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

Sustainable development goes beyond the reduction of environmental impacts and should always include a social dimension. One example where both dimensions can be combined is organic farming. At the Korenika farm in eastern Slovenia organic food production and processing is combined with social entrepreneurship, as the farm employs people with...

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Energy service contracting (ESCO) of public buildings in the capital Ljubljana

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy efficiency

In a collaboration of the City of Ljubljana, an energy and an engineering company energy retrofits of 48 public buildings were carried out using the energy performance contracting model. The project helped to generate annual savings of over EUR 1 million. Furthermore, annual CO2 emissions were reduced by approximately 3000 tonnes. The retrofitted...

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Co-financing of small (<10MW) solar power plants on business objects

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

Eu funds are used to provide co-financing of new solar power plants on business objects. This programme includes commercial solar power plans, solar power for self-consumption of electricity and energy storage devices. The financial incentives, which are granted as state aid, are limited to installations with a power of up to 10 MW. Beneficiaries...

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Energy efficiency and renewable energy in mountain facilities

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

Slovenia is an Alpine country where mountaineering and outdoor recreation are of high importance. These activities are enabled by a network of mountain huts, shelters, bivouacs and mountain training centers. These non for profit facilities are especially suitable for renewable energy and energy efficiency measures as they are often off-grid,...

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Enying, the green town: blue-green infrastructure rehabilitation

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Buildings, construction

The goal of the 500 million HUF (~1,3 mil EUR) programme was to rehabilitate the blue-green infrastructure of the town of Enying, a small town of about 7000 inhabitants near, but not adjacent to Lake Balaton (one of the primary touristic destinations of Hungary). The ratio of disadvantaged residents in the town’s population is higher than...

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INNOAIR - Innovative demand responsive green public transportation for cleaner air in urban environment

Country: Bulgaria Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Air quality

The INNOAIR project addresses urban air quality and transport inefficiency in Sofia, Bulgaria’s capital and largest metropolitan area. The project is designed to “test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges” that are scalable and transferable to other urban hubs across the country and throughout Europe. In Sofia,...

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Mistake to avoid: giving EU funds and “priority investment” projects to Hell Energy, a lucrative energy drink producer

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Industry

Hell Energy Hungary Ltd. is a privately owned producer of energy drinks that, according to its website, is “one of the fastest growing FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) brands in the world, as proven by its explosive export expansion and growing global popularity, with an export market of more than 50 countries”. Between 2008 and...

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Replacement of non-compliant solid fuel combustion sources and acquisition of domestic transfer stations

Country: Czech Republic Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

This initiative delivers financial support to replace manually fed solid-fuel boilers in family homes (including permanently inhabited buildings for family recreation) and in residential units of apartment buildings. Support is provided through projects carried out in individual regions. Funding comes from the Operational Programme for the...

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Reconstruction of public lighting

Country: Czech Republic Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

This initiative delivers subsidies for reconstruction and innovation of urban lighting systems of municipalities to achieve electricity savings. The subsidy covers reconstruction of the public lighting system, including the addition of lighting points to meet the lighting standard requirements. Grants cannot be used to construct a new public...

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Umbrella projects - A first step towards energy communities?

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

In the 2014-2020 period, many local authorities decided to carry out joint 'umbrella projects' to finance small renewable installations for private residences. Municipalities were in charge of overall project management, but investments (PV systems, for example) were realised on private properties, with periodic investments being donated...

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National administration support for climate adaptation in cities (44MPA)

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Administration

Because of its range, 44MPA is the only initiative in Europe in which the Ministry of the Environment supports the authorities and local administration in coordinating activities to adapt to the impacts of climate change in several dozen cities at the same time. The preparation of urban adaptation plans for the 44 cities participating in the...

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The ADAPTCITY project

Country: Poland Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Communication

The ADAPTCITY project has laid the foundations for taking actions to adapt to climate change in Warsaw, and has radiated to other large metropolises in our country. It leaves behind very important results, such as: a strategy for adaptation to climate change in the capital city of Warsaw until 2030, with a perspective until 2050; a set of nearly...

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Public hearings on the preparation of European Funds

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Administration

A Polish partnership agreement and operational programmes at national level were drafted through public administration and consulted in a process open to anyone. Following a letter from several NGOs (submitted in February 2021) to the Prime Minister, the government agreed to organise public hearings on European Funds prepared by the national...

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Modernisation of the Poznań-Wągrowiec diesel railway line

Country: Poland Area: Regional Thematic area: Transport

The railway line connects the capital of the Greater Poland region, Poznań, with Wągrowiec, which has about 25,000 inhabitants. Its modernisation was completed in 2011-2013. Immediate effects of the modernisation include: reduced travel time by 25 minuntes (-40%), and higher maximum speed (up to 120 km/h). The most important outcome is that the...

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Solar Thermal District Heating Plant at Salaspils Siltums, Latvia

Country: Latvia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

Filter, in cooperation with Arcon-Sunmark A/S, delivered the largest solar thermal district heating plant in all of Eastern Europe. This award-winning feat of engineering resulted in a 1,720-panel solar field providing an annual output of 12,000 MWH, combined with a 3 MW biomass-based boiler. The main purpose was to reconstruct and convert a...

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House renovation “Green light for households”

Country: Slovakia Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

This is an incentive-based programme for building renovations. An “all in one” combination of EE and RES and other measures ( roofs) also targets vulnerable groups. This involves not just a change of heat source, but also a renewal with different technology options. Response has been very positive overall. While technologies...

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Sustainable transport - Cyklo Transportation in NRRP

Country: Slovakia Area: National Thematic area: Transport

Slovakia plans to set aside EUR 100 million from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RFF) for bicycle transport. Bicycle transport is a short-distance transport and is therefore especially effective in cities and nearby suburban areas. Existing support schemes did not take this principle into account and thus contributed little to change the...

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Regional Energy Centres

Country: Slovakia Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

Regional Centres for Sustainable Energy (hereinafter RCUEs) will ensure the coordination of energy development in self-government at district level (i.e. respective strategic planning regions). They are part of an integrated system of support for the transposition of national climate and energy goals of the Slovak Republic to regional and local...

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A glass half-empty: subsidising residential photovoltaic systems and electrification of heating systems combined with photovoltaic systems, but without sufficient energy-efficiency measures

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Energy production

The project envisages the provisioning of 100% non-refundable support for the installation of photovoltaic systems and the electrification of heating systems in combination with photovoltaic systems for 45,000 households. In the case of electrification of the heating system (heat pump implementation), energy-storage units and the replacement of...

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Increasing the ecological water supply security of the Hanság Natura 2000 site

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The project’s goal is to help secure the ecological water supply of the Hanság Natura 2000 area (which connects to the Rábaköz-tóköz watershed in North-West Hungary), by creating the technical conditions necessary to retain the available water resources and to stop the further lowering of groundwater levels....

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ZERO500: Subsidising measures to reduce energy use in 500 low-income households to solve energy poverty

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Energy efficiency

Through its public environmental fund Eko Sklad, Slovenia supports the energy renovation of old buildings to benefit energy-poor inhabitants. The fund pays 100% of costs (up to EUR 10,000) for investments in thermal insulation, installation of energy-efficient windows and doors, and installation of solar hot-water panels or heat pumps.

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Improving the conservation state of biodiversity in Piatra Craiului National Park through awareness raising, education, infrastructure and monitoring (SMIS-CSNR 36865)

Country: Romania Area: Regional Thematic area: Biodiversity protection

The objective of this project was to improve the conservation status of one of Romania's most beautiful and well-known parks. The main goal was to create conditions to limit the enviornmental impact of locals and tourists visiting the park. The first group to be targeted was park personnel: 12 employees received professional training in park...

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Management and Utilisation of Urban Forests as Natural Heritage in Cluj-Napoca (part of the Danube Cities – URBforDAN project)

Country: Romania Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Agriculture, forestry

The URBforDAN project looks to address actual needs and challenges linked to the sustainable management of natural heritage, especially urban and peri-urban forests within areas of the Danube Region. The project involves seven partner cities: Ljubljana, Budapest, Cluj-Napoca, Vienna, Zagreb, Belgrade, and Ivano-Frankivsk. An 'urban or...

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Valorisation of geo-heritage for sustainable and innovative tourism development of the Haţeg UNESCO Global Geopark (part of Danube Geoparks)

Country: Romania Area: Regional Thematic area: Tourism

The Haţeg UNESCO Global Geopark, managed by the University of Bucharest, is the only UNESCO-recognised geopark in Romania. The park was jointly developed along with eight european geoparks under the collective name of 'Danube Geoparks', and the effort was financed through the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (2014–2020). The...

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The development of zero-emission bus transport (RRF) in Hungary

Country: Hungary Area: National Thematic area: Transport

The project’s goal is to improve the quality and operational efficiency of local and suburban public-transport services and reduce their environmental impact by purchasing new electric buses. Municipalities with a population of at least 25,000 (and the companies responsible for local public-transport services) can apply for a total of 300...

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The geothermal heating of municipalities: a former best practice, discontinued

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Energy production

In Hungary, between 2006 and 2013, several municipalities received EU funding to implement geothermal heating systems for households, public buildings, and industrial and agricultural facilities. Hungary has a good geothermal potential, currently ~15% of the potential is in use. Geothermal heating systems provide cheap and clean renewable energy...

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A mistake to avoid: setting weak decarbonisation criteria for subsidies to investment in SME productivity improvements

Country: Slovenia Area: National Thematic area: Industry

Topic: Subsidies for SMEs that invest in new machinery to improve productivtiy and competitiveness, as well as energy and material efficiency. While this public tender at first glance seems to be a good practice and has the potential to contribute to decarbonisation, the environmental criteria are vastly insufficient and only represent 25% of the...

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Regional railway in Lower Silesia

Country: Poland Area: National Thematic area: Transport

Poland has one of the lowest per capita railway-usage rates in the EU. Many regions have very little rail infrastructure and few trains in operation. A significant number of railways have ceased operations since 1995, with a peak number of closures taking place in 1999. EU funding from 2004 has raised the quality of rail service in many regions,...

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Wastewater treatment in Slovenia

Country: Slovenia Area: Local (e.g. city, village) Thematic area: Waste management

Based on available funding from the Recovery & Resilience Programme, Slovenia's Ministry of Environment issued a tender on wastewater treatment for settlements with fewer than 2,000 inhabitants. The primary aim of this effort is to address the fact these small settlements did not formerly qualify for programme support in previous years...

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New Green Savings

Country: Czech Republic Area: National

Since 2009, different phases of the country-wide Green in Savings programmes have significantly contributed to Czech achievements in the buildings sector in terms of energy efficiency and emission reductions. The programme focuses on reducing the energy consumption of residential buildings (insulation), construction or purchase of houses with...

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Electrification of railways

Country: Czech Republic Area: National Thematic area: Transport

This is just one of several projects in the Czech Republic funded through the Recovery & Resilience Facility. The 'Sustainable transport' policy objective mainly includes investments in the electrification and security of buildings and railway lines, and thus represents an increase in public investment. This particular investment...

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Improving the conservation status of bison in Vânători Neamț National Park

Country: Romania Area: Regional

This project aimed to improve the conservation status of bison in Romania's Vânători Neamț National Park and to create conditions for a self-sustaining population of the species in the wild. After vanishing centuries ago from the Carpathian Forest, bison were reintroduced to the area in 2012. The bison serves as an umbrella species in...

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LIFE-MICACC: Introduction of sustainable ecosystem-based water management practices coordinated by municipalities

Country: Hungary Area: Local (e.g. city, village)

The project’s main goal was to test, introduce and foster the integration of sustainable, ecosystem-based water management approaches into natural resources management strategies and land-use planning practice of local governments in Hungary, and thus to improve the resilience of vulnerable municipalities by reducing their risks stemming...

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A mistake to avoid: EIB loan to finance a massive airport development project without environmental impact assessment and public consultations

Country: Hungary Area: National

In 2018, the European Investment Bank (EIB) committed EUR 200 million to help finance the development of the Budapest Airport, 16 km from the centre of Budapest. The project comprised a number of measures to alleviate current congestion, accommodate future growth in passenger and cargo traffic, and improve airport safety and security. The project...

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European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). EUKI is a project financing instrument by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The EUKI competition for project ideas is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. It is the overarching goal of the EUKI to foster climate cooperation within the European Union (EU) in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.