Habitat reconstruction of the Doroszló meadows in the Kőszeg Foothills
- Identification number: KEHOP-4.1.0-15-2015-00002
- Beneficiary: Őrségi National Park Directorate
- Total budget: 222.000.000 HUF
- Implementation period: 2015-2020
- Natura 2000 site: HUON20020 Gyöngyös-patak és kőszegi Alsó-rét
The main objectives and measures: to create good quality grasslands at the Kőszeg foothills, to improve the water supply and develop the grazing infrastructure while ensuring the proper management of the target area. These measures significantly contribute to the long-term conservation and the enlargement of the habitat of valuable, mountainous plant species (Trollius europeus, Achillea ptarmica, Eriophorum latifolium). About 70 acres of woody pasture were developed with high diversity species composition and structure, and the original microhabitats were preserved by cutting shrubs and performing a follow-up treatment by flail mower, mowing of grasslands and the eradication of invasive alien plant species (Impatiens glandulifera). The water supply was improved by filling in the dykes on a length of 1 km and throughs and pipes were installed which ensure that water coming from the hill is led away in the area. At the two look-out towers, information boards demonstrate the results of the project. The project indirectly contributes to the mitigation of climate change and to climate adaptation targets, as well.
Good practices
Conscious and long-term planning
The implementation of the project was based on several years of long and conscious planning. A reconstruction plan was developed by using series of old maps, aerial photos and terrain models. The reconstruction plan determined the targeted nature conservation status and the necessary and best measures to reach it. During the preparation phase, some land was purchased, as a result of which 90% of the target area is now owned by the national park directorate. The reconstruction of the Doroszló meadows was the second phase of the rehabilitation programme at the foothill areas along the Gyöngyös, and altogether – with the earlier implemented measures on the Lower-meadow next to Kőszeg from own financial sources – significant improvement of ecological status was achieved on two third of the foothill areas (around 140 acres).
Implementation of a complex project
It was a complex project, since in addition to the improvement and reconstruction of the nature conservation status, the grazing infrastructure, which ensures the proper management of the target area, and the presentation of the area were implemented, as well. By establishing the cattle stock in the area and implementing rotational grazing, it is not required to have further maintenance works in the future.
Initiation and information of local people
The implementation area is located next to a town with more than 10.000 inhabitants, from whom there has been an intense call for knowing the natural assets of their environment. The project area is open for visitors, and the local population intensively uses this opportunity, as well. Therefore, it was important from the beginning to inform the local population about the plans and their objectives. The national park directorate has organised presentations on the site for several target groups, and aims to make the area more attractive and familiar to inhabitants by organising other events here.
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