Donau Auen
Due to the fact that ecological values are prioritised in these woodlands, they have reached semi-natural status. These habitats are important for providing food and breeding areas for insects, amphibians and birds.
In the existing stands, continuous restoration of the natural forest character in accordance with the relevant habitat type, species composition, structure, and age class is of paramount importance.
Leave more deadwood (both standing and fallen) on-site to protect the associated fauna. Take care of the ancient and veteran trees of the woodland, as they offer rare habitats to specialist species.
Avoid chemical herbicides when dealing with invasive and alien species. Remove stands consisting of non-native tree species, and restore the habitat to original alluvial woodlands, if possible.
Thankfully beavers are coming back to this Natura 2000 site along with the ecosystem services they provide.
Photos by Linda Magyar, CEEweb for Biodiversity