Tender for Open Source Database programming within MYSTICAL DANUBE project

Tender for Open Source Database programming

Application deadline: June 21, 2024



Activity 1.1. Mapping and collection of natural and associated intangible cultural heritage in the project's rural and less visited areas on which the Strategy will be based

Deliverable 1.1.2 Database of collected data – natural sites and intangible heritage


The Project “MYSTICAL DANUBE” needs to deliver an Open Source Database connected to Activity 1.1.  (Mapping and collection of natural and associated intangible cultural heritage in the project's rural and less visited areas on which the Strategy will be based) and Deliverable D.1.1.2 (Database of collected data – natural sites and intangible heritage).

The database, in the first phase will contain data collected by the 10 Partners (herewith we mean the Lead Partner and the Project Partners) from 9 countries.

Later on, it will be made publicly available (= open source) for anyone for data input, thus continuously expanding the database with natural sites and intangible heritage.

The Open Source Database will be delivered by PP8 CEEweb for Biodiversity and will be included under CEEweb’s domain: ceeweb.org.

This document serves as a technical terms of reference for supporting the programming process of the Open Source Database.


D.1.1.2 Database of collected data – natural sites and intangible heritage must include:

1. The proposed methodology on how to map natural sites and associated intangible heritage

2. The info on these data collected from each partner country, available to everyone interested


Herewith we mean the methodology of the programming process. To be decided by the selected programmer (e.g. software to be used, any other technicalities).

Deliverables A

The Open Source Database website must contain the following aspects:

1. included under domain ceeweb.org. (e.g.: mystical-danube.ceeweb.org)

2. contain a descriptive part (including the methodology description and basic information about the project) with CMS access

3. contain a Google based map (satellite view) of the project area indicating all areas (NUTS3) + and specific tangible and intangible heritages (geo-located).  

3.1 including mouse-over quick-view option of the areas and the specific tangible and intangible heritages (on the map).

3.2 “profile pages” of the areas and every specific tangible and intangible heritages (accessible via clicking on them on the map).

4. contain a layer (on the map) covering 9 PP countries including the country boarders, namely: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, and Slovenia.

5. contain a layer (on the map) of the above-mentioned countries’ NUTS 3 regions or equivalent.

6. contain 10 logos of project partners and 1 logo of Interreg MYSTICAL DANUBE, in a nicely designed visibility

7. including User access interface with  two levels according to:

-        On first level, access to Project Partners should be provided with uploading data and downloading data (query) permission – query options to be discussed

-        On second level, access to the public for uploading data and to see data already uploaded

All users will receive a username and password after registration - the administrator of the website will decide on the category (first and second level) of the user via the backend. Due to the length of the form (for first category users) saving option shall be available before submission. Editing already submitted form shall be also possible (with user access).

8. Clean, easy to understand, nice visuality has to be designed in harmony with the project’s visibility rules (colour, logo, design elements)

Deliverables B

Data specified for programming the Open Source Database is to be found in seven sheets on this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VLNBa_7cGd6mVmscNAMlSmreIbEA0zY6/edit#gid=488051961

All fields of the form should be made optional to fill out. Data collection is structured around the following seven categories which are represented in the above excel sheet:

1. Geographical description of the area

2. Communities and Stakeholders

3. Economy & Tourism

4. Infrastructure and Mobility

5. Environment – Nature – Climate

6. Socio-Cultural Information

7. National and macro-regional policies, strategies and projects

Timeline/Progress meeting

Timeline: The assignment must be completed by 30 July 2024.

Bi-weekly progress meetings are requested with the programmer for discussing the progress and any other issues to ensure a smooth and successful development of the Open Source Database.


Please, submit your application to eohegyi@ceeweb.org or by regular post to CEEweb’s office with your proposed budget by 21 June 2024.

Selection will be made on the basis of best value for money.


Please, address your email to eohegyi@ceeweb.org alongside with your questions, if any.

CEEweb Office Address:

Katona József utca 35. 1/1.
1137 Budapest








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