HWC best practice database

Human-Wildlife Conflicts Best Practice Database

Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) occurs when animals pose a direct and recurring threat to the livelihood or safety of people, leading to the persecution of that species. With populations of large carnivores returning to many parts of Europe, the management of HWC and exploring steps towards human-wildlife coexistence is becoming paramount. This database intends to collect best practices of HWC management in Natura 2000 sites across the CEE region.

Any interested citizen or organisation can submit a case study of a successful example of HWC management. The database is not species-specific, so we are encouraging contributions showcasing solutions beyond large carnivore species. The input will be made public only after approval and editing by the relevant partner organisation.

Add a case study to the database (asterix * denotes required fields)

The input will be made public only after an approval and editing by the relevant partner organisation. Only interesting, educational and valid submissions will be accepted, any only those which meet the aim of presenting a positive message.