What is European Climate Initiative (EUKI)?
The Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) established the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) to cooperate even closer in the development and implementation of the ambitious EU climate policy. Through EUKI, climate actors can learn from each other; the initiative supports inner-European dialogue, the exchange of good practice, awareness-raising, and knowledge transfer.
EUKI finances and connects climate action projects in Europe to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote cross-border cooperation. The initiative enables intensive dialogue as well as the exchange of knowledge and experience in the European Union in order to jointly promote the implementation of the Paris Agreement. EUKI supports the transition towards climate-neutral economies and societies in Europe.
The objectives of the European Climate Initiative are as follows:
- Building knowledge and awareness of the underlying causes of climate change as well as of the ecological, social and economic opportunities offered by climate action.
- Fostering the exchange of good practices, transfer of knowledge and experience and the building of networks to support transformation processes and a favourable framework for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
- Building a bridge to EU programmes through capacity building as well as concept and project development to leverage European funds into innovative and progressive climate action.
The target groups of individual bilateral and multilateral measures are governments, municipalities, civil society, consumers and – if permissible under state aid law – businesses. The geographical focus is primarily on collaborations with Central, Eastern and Southern European countries as well as the Baltic states and EU accession countries.
Website: https://www.euki.de/en/