The project "PROMOBIO - Promotion to Regional Bioenergy Initiatives", funded by the European Commission, was initiated by the Institute for Forestry Research - Metla in Finland and was implemented in partnership with partners from Finland, Austria, Poland, Slovakia and with two Romanian partners: Institute for Energy Studies and Projects (ISPE) and the Agency for Regional Development Centru. The overall objective of this project was to support regional bioenergy initiatives in order to facilitate the development of new bioenergy business projects in three selected regions in Poland, Romania and Slovakia. The project involved different stakeholders which participated in different events, elaborated studies concerning the use of solid biomass and the sustainable use of the wood from the forests, and developed pilot projects.
Financial data
923.000 EURO, IEE
This project it is a good example of knowledge transfer and international cooperation. As far as concerning the use of the biomass (especially which is resulted from the forest exploitation) there are a lot of controversial debates between the different stakeholders (it is a conflict between the conservation of the biodiversity and the need for biomass), therefore we recommend to keep the dialog open and keep the contact between the different initiatives at European level in order to exchange experiences concerning the best solutions.
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