The DANUBE4all project aims to develop a comprehensive Restoration Action Plan for the Danube River basin, focusing on improving ecological status, biodiversity, and ecosystem connectivity. The project seeks to involve stakeholders and integrate citizens' interests in the restoration process, aligning with the Mission "Restore our ocean and waters by 2030." Through scientific knowledge and innovative approaches, the project aims to enhance the free-flowing status of rivers and floodplains, reduce flood and drought risks, and improve sediment and biota continuity. The project also aims to adapt to climate change and enhance endangered biodiversity.
Financial data
Financial Data: Total Cost: €8,422,267.50 , EU Contribution: €7,968,216.13 , EU Funding Percentage: 94.6%
• Foster knowledge sharing and awareness among local communities and business actors about the importance of river ecosystem restoration in the Danube River basin.
• Implement innovative "Win-Win Nature Based Solutions" that promote ecological improvement while addressing flood and drought risks.
• Develop tailored business cases for SMEs to demonstrate the economic benefits of restoration measures.
• Utilize GIS and Citizen Science tools to scale up restoration actions and engage citizens and stakeholders in the process.
• Collaborate with associated regions and develop Replication Roadmaps for restoration action to expand the project's impact beyond the Danube Basin.
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