The project "SECAP - Supporting energy and climate adaptation policies" offered practical support to the municipalities of the partner areas in Slovenia and Italy for the implementation of sustainable energy and climate adaptation policies. The project accompanied the transition from outdated local Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) to more comprehensive up to date Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP). The main objective of the project was to improve energy planning by local operators, focusing on energy saving, renewable energy, the reduction of CO2 emissions and adaptation measures related to the impacts of climate change. Activities included the development of a transnational strategy, guidelines for municipalities, feasibility studies, pilot projects, capacity building workshops and the joint development of SECAPs for 9 municipalities in the region. While the focus of the project was to strategically plan concrete climate action at the local level, it will be important to follow up and ensure implementation. One shortcoming of the existing municipals SEAPs in Slovenia was that only few of their suggested actions were implemented. Considering the urgency of climate change, this has to change for the updated SECAPs.
Financial data
2.940.351 EUR, of which 85% from EU
Support projects that transfer knowledge and experiences in climate change mitigation and adaptation across regions in Europe. Moreover, make sure that projects do not merely focus on planning climate action, but also on implementation, both via pilots and the replication of good practices from elsewhere.
Information sources
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