Towards a climate neutral EU:
efficient allocation of EU funds

Building climate-resilient forests

Organisation: Centre for Transport and Energy Website: Added: March 14, 2023
Project start date: January 01, 2021
Project end date: December 31, 2023


The aim of this measure is to restore all forest functions, including those that contribute to mitigating climate change by absorbing atmospheric carbon and maintaining a favourable moisture balance in the landscape. The RRF finances this measure.

Financial data

CZK 8.540 billion (EUR 362 million).


In theory, this investment could make a major contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation. However, the measure presents risks, and there is a need for further scrutiny during the implementation phase. The timeline for this measure (a target of 12,000 hectares of reforestation is foreseen by the third quarter of 2022) implies fast forestation, which can lead to unnecessary emissions due to manufacturing, transport, operation, and management. As such, the use of reforestation to grow productive forests can be harmful to biodiversity and the environment. This measure must guarantee the creation of multigenerational forests. Without this guarantee, it is impossible to ensure the increase in biodiversity and carbon sequestration that are effective climate change mitigation measures.

Information sources

Ministry website

Other info

European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). EUKI is a project financing instrument by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The EUKI competition for project ideas is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. It is the overarching goal of the EUKI to foster climate cooperation within the European Union (EU) in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.